20 Couples Who Prove True Love Can Live Forever

6 years ago

Frédéric Beigbeder, one of the most famous writers of our time, published a widely-known book entitled, Love Lasts Three Years in 1997. It subscribed to the theory that the feeling of love is connected with hormones that have an expiration date. This book earned many fans and followers, especially among youngsters, who strongly believed in this sentiment and had lost any hope of meeting the one true love they had read about in fairy-tales. However, there are many couples around the world who disprove this theory by their own example — they haven’t lost that spark that ignited on the first day of their meeting even after 50 or more years.

Bright Side decided to finally bust this myth and show you some couples that have proven love can last even through senility. Just look at how lively these people are! At the end of the article, there is a bonus photo featuring a celebrity couple that has been together for a quarter of a century.

1. “This was how my grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.”

2. On their wedding day, and 60 years later

3. “My grandparents standing in front of the home they built 58 years ago. They celebrated 60 years of marriage in August.”

4. After 60 years

5. “My grandparents on the day of their marriage. They are still happily married 52 years later!”

6. 70 years of living together

7. After 50 years, they’re still absolutely smitten with each other.

8. On their wedding day, and 60 years later

9. 60 years of happiness

10. “My great-grandparents, ages 90 and 93, just celebrated their 70th anniversary. Together they have 10 kids, 28 grandchildren, 60 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great- grandchildren. Still as happy as ever.”

11. “62 years ago my grandparents eloped in Mexico because their families said it wouldn’t last.”

12. 53 years together

13. “For their 60th anniversary, my grandparents went back to the town where they had their honeymoon.”

14. “I struggle to maintain a relationship for 66 days, but here are my grandparents 66 years after their wedding day.”

15. They have been married for 60 years already.

16. “After 50 years of being married, my grandparents are cutting the cake exactly as they did all those years ago.”

17. “At their 50th wedding anniversary. I hope one day I can be as full of love and happiness as they have been.”

18. At the prom, and 60 years after

19. Their 57th wedding anniversary

20. “My grandparents recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Here’s a great shot from their wedding day.”

Bonus: Pierce Brosnan and his wife Keely Shaye Smith celebrate 25 years of happiness

Do you know any couples with incredible love stories? Please tell us about them in the comments!


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