20+ Times People Didn’t Realize Something That Was Absolutely Obvious

We've all had lazy days at the gym. But some people take it to a whole new level. We at Bright Side chose 20 hilarious gym fails for you to enjoy.
Dude, you aren't really helping!
She is missing a cup of coffee.
They are just messing around, right?
Photoshop gone wrong.
Will someone please show him how it's done? Please?
Who said the gym is only for working out?
There is the personal trainer option, you know!
That's a big challenge!
Might as well bring in a chocolate muffin.
Don't touch! They might explode!
Such a great role model!
I've been doing it all wrong! This is how a gym workout should be!
Oh, all the pumping and all the sweating... Exhausting, indeed!
That's right! Superheroes must keep fit.
Or a chandelier?
Check and mate!
Or call 911!
If I were that determined, I'd have already won all the bodybuilding competitions!
1, 2, 3 — go!
This makes me shed a tear. Precious!
You've now seen 20 hilarious gym fails, but we wonder if you have a story or a photo to share with us. Please, feel free to do so in the comment section below!