20 People Who Found a Clever Way to Make Their Lives Easier

3 years ago

In everyday life we encounter little things that sometimes take a lot of time. Many people with great ingenuity manage to find ways to simplify some of these tasks with small and simple tricks. It is always good to try to make our lives easier with little tricks that allow us to save time.

To share some of these tricks with you Bright Side made a compilation of ingenious ways in which users solved minor problems in their everyday lives.

1. “I used an outdoor all-weather receptacle box as a dispenser for doggy poop bags.”

2. Great advice!

“Need to drive with your pet often? Just treat your carrier as a pet-house on a daily basis, they will get used to it, putting them inside will be 200% easier and they will be less stressed about the ride.”

3. “Inspired by another poster, I got a reusable handkerchief box, and my mom gifted me all her estate sale vintage hankies for it.”

4. “My cousin laminated all the writing sheets for his family’s board games so they can reuse them.”

5. “I’ve wanted to try this for the past 30 years. It works exactly like I’d hoped it would.”

6. “Frugal fix: My husband had a hole in his favorite pants, so I embroidered a little turtle.”

7. “If you don’t want smelly trash, use an old Aroma seal coffee can to hold your compost/food scraps.”

8. “$1 solution to jangling keys: a nut and a bolt”

9. “Buttered toast”

10. “Use your bread heal (ends) to soak up your grease”

11. “Freeze a bottle of water and place in front of a fan for ghetto aircon!”

12. “My fiancé capped the end of a cut banana with banana skin”

13. Never put your phone on the floor again

“Just saw my partner charging her phone like this. For years, whenever we went away anywhere and there was not a table close to an outlet I left my phone charging on the floor like a fool!”

14. Solutions can even come in the form of a bag of bread.

“Emergency fix for flip flops. Went camping when my flip flop broke the first day. Used a bread tie from a bag of hotdog buns. Lasted the 4 day camp trip.”

15. “No more wrestling with the bag to put in the food. Zipper toward me to make it even easier. Doing too much? Probably.”

16. “Wrap a rubber band around a few cardboard rolls (from inside paper towels) & stuff them inside boots to keep them stiff & straight!”

17. “Spice containers make great fish food dispensers. Perfect portions, every time!”

18. “Use a de-shedding or flea comb to get pet hair off of your carpet.”

19. This will save you a lot of bandages for wounds

“Cut your finger and constantly have to replace the Band-Aid because it falls off? just cut the finger off of a latex glove and put it on over the Band-Aid. It’s waterproof too!”

20. Cutting off excess bread bags can make a big difference

What other tricks do you know that work for you on a daily basis?

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