20 People Who Made Collecting Their Passion

3 years ago

While collecting stamps or coins from different countries and time periods is a popular hobby, some people decide to collect more surprising items, like spoons or zipper pulls. According to research done on the topic, assembling a collection of rare and unique items stimulates the pleasure centers in our brains.

We at Bright Side were amazed by these 20 collections of unusual things people have put together over the years.

1. “Over the past 15 years, my dad has collected 1,785 bowling balls and built a giant bowling ball pyramid.”

2. “Heart-shaped rocks a friend has collected over 6 years”

3. “My sand and dirt collection from every place I’ve visited”

4. “My (87-year-old) father’s ’ugly’ golf ball collection”

5. “My aunt has a spoon collection that has a tiny spoon collection right above it.”

6. “The number of train tickets I’ve collected by commuting to college for one year”

7. “My grandma’s collection of 544 different cookie cutters that she has been expanding for 50+ years”

8. “This dude on the construction team I work with collects zipper pulls he finds on the ground. There are 4 more of these cables full.”

9. “My dad’s salt and pepper shaker collection”

10. “My 100% complete collection of every LEGO shield ever made”

11. “It’s not perfect, but here’s my Hotwheels collection display for my office.”

12. “My entire bow tie collection, minus the one I’m wearing now!”

13. “My 20+ year collection of Art Deco and commemorative cameras, mostly between 1930 and 1950”

14. “My girlfriend cleaning her Monopoly collection”

15. “My dice collection”

16. “My sister is collecting banana stickers.”

17. “My 9-year-old’s rock collection”

18. “My game collection is finally out of storage! My wife surprised me by building shelves as an anniversary gift today.”

19. “My girlfriend’s collection of Arthur plush dolls”

20. “My grandma with her birdhouse collection”

How do you usually spend your free time? Do you collect anything as a hobby?

Preview photo credit buildingsonfire/reddit


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