20 Pictures That Will First Confuse, Then Surprise You

3 years ago

The oldest known optical illusion is thought to be a 15,000-year-old carved stone figure, which means sometimes reality is more complex than what you see at first glance. Like, for example, the lake you see in a beautiful landscape pic may actually be the roof of a car. These sort of mesmerizing things don’t just happen to us every day, but worry not.

Bright Side is no Harry Potter, but the photos we gathered here might have you wondering what sorcery this is.

1. “Saw these ducklings cuddling because of the cold weather today.”

2. “Dogs with thumbs get adopted the quickest.”

3. “The sky is missing some pixels.”

4. “The lake is actually the roof of my car. Took this picture during a recent road trip.”

5. “These tinted windows make it look like we’re in the ocean.”

6. “This sign telling me to duck...”

7. “My little guy is growing up too fast.”

8. “My beagle doubled in length overnight.”

9. “This shadow from 2 different trees in my parking lot”

10. “I took a photo of a bed frame I’m selling and it looks like a photoshopped image of a bed because of the lack of shadows.”

11. “No accidents so far that I know of.”

12. “This SIM card ejection tool blends with the background so well it looks like a hook.”

13. “He has beautiful legs.”

14. “The hole in the avocado where the seed was looks like another seed blended with the avocado’s color.”

15. “The back of this sign didn’t want to obstruct the view.”

16. That’s not the truck’s container.

17. “This building looks like it’s just one wall of windows.”

18. “This was taken from the outside and the landscape is a reflection on the glass of a window.”

19. “I swear my friend was in the boat, but he somehow appears to be in the water.”

20. “The Bean in Chicago is practically invisible even though you’re looking right at it.”

Has something ever played a trick on your eyes? Have you ever ended up with an accidental optical illusion while taking a photo? Make our comment section come alive with your exciting stories and photos.

Preview photo credit Roooogie / Reddit


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I see no bean. Also I had to look up what the Chicago bean was.


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