son seems to be really happy about this graduation check :D
21 People Whose Sense of Humor Keeps Their Family Running
Every family goes through a range of emotions. Yes, there are fights and arguments, but there are also moments of love when everyone has each other’s back. Then there are those family members who keep their loved ones on their toes with their impeccable sense of humor, like dads cracking the lamest dad jokes and pranks, or mothers being sassy on their kids’ social media accounts.
We at Bright Side love family humor and want to share these hilarious moments with you below.
3. The kids wanted a cool bookmark so their mother became one.
5. This dad who keeps placing this Mr. Bean cutout around to scare his children
8. This dad who wanted to know if he’s the baby’s father
11. This dad who gifted a graduation check to his son
14. This father who labeled his phone to avoid confusion
17. This hilarious mom who always gives her son a birthday surprise
19. This uncle convinced his nephews that this is where clouds come from.
21. And finally, this mom who recreated her son’s picture
Have you encountered funny situations like these with your family? Feel free to share your stories with us in the comments below.
agree with this father who labeled his phone.. you never know these days
That bookmark is so cool! I want one of those too ?
Hahahaha the little one in number 8 is so funny!!!
Okay the dad that told his son to lick his elbow is so mean!