22 Moving Photos That Can Melt the Coldest of Hearts

6 years ago

Emotion is an adaptive response that humans have to their surroundings. Sometimes, we come across events or people that are capable of moving us so much that our entire perception of the world starts to shift, changing our entire outlook.

Bright Side gathered a collection of photos that made us smile, cry, and think a little more deeply about the impact we have on those around us.

1. Married for 60 years. She has dementia and a stroke, but he is still there by her side. Always.

2. This man sat with a gorilla after the death of its mother.

3. The end of an era: the Toys ’R Us giraffe saying goodbye for the last time

4. A homeless man in Silicon Valley was handing out copies of his resume. After the post went viral, he got job offers from companies like Apple, Google, and more.

5. This puppy asleep with his old man on a park bench is what smiles are made of.

6. A Saudi man shared a photo of him teaching his wife how to drive.

7. A couple sharing the true spirit of Christmas with the world

8. The man on the left went to 7 world cups and died in 2015. His son carried on his legacy this year.

9. “Told my daughter I didn’t have a lot of money this week. I woke up from a nap to this note.”

10. The Partizan Belgrade goalkeeper comforting his teammate after he got barraged with racist chants for 90 minutes

11. “Today was my last chemo treatment for breast cancer!”

12. “Was reading at a coffee shop and saw this guy looking up vet services for an injured sparrow he had just found.”

13. The Japanese team cleaned their locker room and left a thank you note in Russian after losing at the 2018 World Cup.

14. “I gave this homeless man, Paul, my Kindle after learning that he’d been reading the same book over and over. He hasn’t put it down for days.”

15. “My wife loves giraffes, so when we first started dating, I took her to her first close up experience with one.”

16. “Every time I️ come to my gym, this man is helping this employee with calculus.”

17. A nervous cadet reporting for his first day of duty

18. A senior citizen donating tennis balls to the dogs at a local animal shelter

19. The bride’s father died 10 years ago and his heart was donated. The man who received the transplant was the one to walk her down the aisle in place of her father.

20. The older man was paused at the top of an escalator afraid to hop on. This young man offered the simplest act of kindness: an out-reached arm and a “Can I help you on, sir?”

21. In 1998, this officer saved a girl’s life in a devastating fire. In 2016, he watched her graduate from college.

22. “Lost nearly 300 lb in 2 years. Yesterday I met up with the nutritionist who got me on track to reclaiming my health.”

What did you think about these moving photographs? Do you have any inspirational photographs you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below.

Preview photo credit LTFoley / Twitter


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Need some tissue...oh my...so touching photos. Anyone else just felt moved by them?


I thought Mama's boys are for humans only. But when I saw my dog's puppy, I realized that there are Mama's boys among dogs, too.

Comment with image on Bright Side

my fav was the one with the bride and the guy who got her's dad's old heart that was donated. loved how the two keeped in tuch


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