
What the First Man on the Moon Hid for All These Years

What the First Man on the Moon Hid for All These Years
year ago

Neil Armstrong had been getting ready for his mission to the Moon for over three years. To resist microgravity conditions, he had to learn how to walk sideways, by being strapped and suspended at an angle and trying to walk along walls. His limits were tested through an intense diet and sleep regimen since in space he would only have beef and vegetables previously dehydrated and stuffed into a package. Back in the day, astronauts had to experience the desert, jungle, open sea, and arctic survival training. These days it’s a lot more structured, but back then it was more of a “let’s drop this person in the middle of nowhere with no supplies and see if they make it.” Before landing on the Moon, he had to gather and study rock samples in the Grand Canyon, explore ancient volcano formations in the Nevada National Security Site, and look into gas and lava vents, lava lakes, and pit craters in various locations in Hawaii.

10 Long-Distance Relationships Must-Haves to Keep the Spark Alive

10 Long-Distance Relationships Must-Haves to Keep the Spark Alive
year ago

Long-distance relationships (LDRs) are one of the most popular types of relationships in the world. According to a New York Post study, more than 58% of all relationships end happily. Despite this popularity, many couples struggle to keep the spark alive in their LDRs. Here are some must-haves that can help make your LDR work.

15 Cool Pics to Help Banish Boredom

15 Cool Pics to Help Banish Boredom
year ago

Oftentimes, the most amusing pictures are the ones that haven’t been Photoshopped. And luckily, some folks never miss the chance to grab their cameras and share any enchanting or funny sights they happen upon with the rest of us through their photographs. You may want to scroll through the incredible pictures below to see what we mean.

15 Pics Showing That Being Beautiful Means Being Unique

15 Pics Showing That Being Beautiful Means Being Unique
2 years ago

Scientists have known for quite some time that people literally glimmer. We emit small amounts of light that cannot be seen by the human eye. These pictures, however, shine bright enough to be seen from afar and show that beauty is found in uniqueness. Bright Side has gathered these photographs to bring a smile to your face and demonstrate that Mother Nature is truly the most talented artist of all.

20 Times the Universe Asked Us to Take a Day Off

20 Times the Universe Asked Us to Take a Day Off
2 years ago

Life is full of surprises, so be prepared to be taken aback. However, these shocks are not always as lovely as we might like. We’re sure you’ve been in a scenario when you weren’t sure whether to laugh or cry, clap your hands or roll your eyes.Bright Side hopes you don’t let any of life’s problems ruin your day. Have a nice chuckle with these 20 photographs from folks who had an experience worth sharing.

20 People Captured Odd Coincidences That Made Our Jaws Drop

20 People Captured Odd Coincidences That Made Our Jaws Drop
2 years ago

People believe that the world communicates with us via messages or coincidences. From entertaining to bizarre, interesting to extraordinary, these minor incidents might give you the impression that this is much more than just chance. But, whether these folks were just fortunate or fulfilling their destiny, their stories left us with more questions than answers.We at Bright Side like sharing incredible photographs with our readers, and, unsurprisingly, shots of unusual occurrences are always interesting to look at!

18+ Photos Showing How Ordinary Objects Can Grow Old Too

18+ Photos Showing How Ordinary Objects Can Grow Old Too
3 years ago

If there is one thing we can neither deny nor slow down, it is the rhythm of the hands of a clock. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, go by quickly and leave traces not only on people, but also on things. This is how objects are transformed with the passing of time and how they change their shape, color, and appearance so much that they seem unrecognizable when compared to a new specimen.

20 Candid Photos That Show How Some Things Stay the Same, While Time Just Keeps Flying By

20 Candid Photos That Show How Some Things Stay the Same, While Time Just Keeps Flying By
4 years ago

It’s good to have something lasting and steady in a world where everything changes so fast. For many of us, our pets and their love are the things we can always count on, no matter what happens. They sleep hugging the same old toys for years on end and they love cuddling with us, just like they used to do when they were little kittens and puppies, even though they’re all grown up now. These lovely sights keep us warm, and it’s even better when we manage to make those moments last in photographs.

19 Animals Who’ve Mastered the Art of Sitting

19 Animals Who’ve Mastered the Art of Sitting
2 years ago

Living close to humans has had a profound impact on the sitting habits of cats and dogs. They have begun imitating the way humans sit. They sit in front of laptops pretending to be doing serious work, chill next to you on the couch while watching movies, and even give you the angry stare, sitting on your chair, if you are late in serving them the dinner.

30 Customers Who Made Shopping Unforgettable

30 Customers Who Made Shopping Unforgettable
4 years ago

We live in a world where anything is possible - or almost possible. When it comes to our everyday image, most of us prefer a classic style. Yet there are people with a totally different approach to appearences. You might enter a store on the most normal day and come across one of these most unusual people. And we promise, you will remember it forever.

26 Unbeatable Proofs That Time Shows No Mercy

26 Unbeatable Proofs That Time Shows No Mercy
2 years ago

We rarely pay attention to the way the time flies. However, if we take a closer look at the things that surround us, we can immediately see the changes. These internet users shared pictures that prove that nothing remains unchanged over time.

10 Cat Photos Taken at Exactly the Right Moment

10 Cat Photos Taken at Exactly the Right Moment
year ago

It should be obvious to anyone who’s ever used the internet by now that cats are simply wonderful. We love them, and that’s why we love taking photographs of them. And if those photos are taken at just the right moment, we end up loving cats even more!

10 Photos Proving That There’s Never a Dull Moment When Kids Are Around

10 Photos Proving That There’s Never a Dull Moment When Kids Are Around

There’s always something interesting or unusual going on in a house full of kids. They’re still getting to know the world after all — its joys and pitfalls. Having young kids may not be the easiest task for parents, but they more than make up for it with the joy and hilarity they bring to all our lives. Take a look at the following photographs. We’re sure you’ll be convinced that boredom and children are completely incompatible.