16 Readers Shared Photos of Their Grandparents to Remind Us How Strong Family Bonds Can Be

2 years ago

Photographs can freeze time and tell us the most touching, funny, or curious stories, especially when it comes to older images. Seeing our grandparents portrayed in the past not only generates nostalgia but also makes us feel a lot of pride in our roots.

At Bright Side, we collected wonderful photos that our readers shared of their grandparents, great-grandparents, and even great-great-grandparents, and they’re all true family gems.

1. “Here are my maternal grandparents when they got married, but I don’t know the date. They made a nice couple.”

2. “This is a photo of my great-grandmother as a child in 1917.”

3. “This is my paternal grandfather — my grandmother didn’t like to appear in pictures.”

4. “My grandparents on their wedding day in the 1920s”

5. “This is my grandfather — I never met him, but what style!”

6. “My great-grandparents (circa 1900) in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico”

7. “My grandfather as a child in 1934”

8. “My great-grandmother was an actress, and these are studio photos she took for her art portfolio in 1900.”

9. “My great-great-grandmother posing in a studio with her wedding dress in 1890”

10. “This is my grandfather as a bachelor when he was 18 years old and was invited to a waltz party. He looked like James Bond.”

“And the other pic is years later, at the age of 31, on his wedding day with my grandma.”

11. “These are my grandparents on the day they bought what is now the family home, more than 70 years ago.”

12. “Here’s my grandmother at the age of 16 on the beach. She was very shy. To take this picture of her, they had to do it while she was unaware of it.”

13. A photo that tells a love story with a happy ending

“This is my beautiful grandmother, Hernilda. My grandfather pursued her for years, but her parents wouldn’t let her get married, even though he was a handsome man. When they finally got married, they had 7 children and lived in love until the end of their lives. They were one of those couples that laughed together, and that you can’t imagine either of them living with someone else. I admire them a lot.”

14. “These are my grandparents. They had 8 children: with everyone’s effort, they were able to educate 2 engineers and 6 teachers.”

15. “This is my grandma a few months after her second baby was born, who is my dad.”

16. “Here’s my great-great-aunt in a photograph with the group of the theater company to which she belonged.”

“Next to her is the Mexican actress, Silvia Pinal, as a young woman.”

What’s the best memory you have of your grandparents? We’d love to see a picture and hear your story!

Preview photo credit Nancy Martínez / Facebook


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Did anyone notice the young woman in no 13 and the people in the theatre picture are the only ones with smiles. Even on their Wedding Days people looked as if they were going to their own funerals...WOW

2 years ago
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