23 Photos With Tear-Shedding Stories Behind Them

6 years ago

When we learn other people’s touching and sincere stories, we become more attentive and sympathetic to their surroundings. For instance, when you see how an elderly woman describes the sculptures in a museum to her blind husband in detail, you instantly get a strong desire to see your parents and hug them. Here, you will find stories of simple people that can touch the deepest strings of your soul and warm your heart.

Bright Side collected 23 stories that will touch your heart and probably make you shed a tear.

23. A true friendship between a homeless boy and a stray dog

An 11-year-old homeless boy’s meeting with Badgi the dog resulted in a genuine and true friendship. All day long, Rommel, the boy, begs for money and in the evening, he shares his food with the dog. In return, Badgi protects the boy from anyone who tries to steal his money.

22. “I haven’t seen my mom laugh or smile like this in years. She has facial paralysis. But yesterday, she did it consciously for the first time. I will always think she’s beautiful.”

21. “At the traffic light, I saw a motorcyclist petting a golden retriever in a car in front of me.”

20. An elderly woman treats workers with a cool soda

19. “My dad was killed in the line of duty 10 months before I graduated from the college. So the guys from his station came to support me at the graduation ceremony.”

18. “My wife and I on our honeymoon in 1990 and our return in 2017”

17. “This is my cousin Gareth. He lost his leg to cancer 3 years ago and now has 15 lung tumors and is terminally ill at the age of 26. Last week, he completed the London Marathon.”

16. Steve Irwin’s family accepting his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

15. That moment when your favorite singer from Metallica notices and greets you:

14. “After 4 years of struggling with infertility, we finally have a tiny baby girl!”

13. “9 years ago, I was suicidal and ready to die. Now, I’m my one-week-old son’s favorite place to fall asleep.”

12. “This girl moved abroad 9 months ago and wanted to know if her dog would recognize her on a video call. It did!”

11. A woman is listening to her 13-year-old daughter’s heartbeat whose heart had been donated to another woman.

10. 2 best friends traveling together

9. “Last year, I started learning my girlfriend’s native language because her parents didn’t speak English. This week, I asked their permission to marry her in Portuguese.”

8. A father meets his daughter after a long separation

7. A girl watching her granddad crying at a Veterans’ meeting

6. “My son is autistic. The best part of my day is the 20-minute nighttime routine with all his stuffed animals. Repetition doesn’t bother him so my same jokes totally kill every night.”

5. “Saw this sweet old lady passionately describing every sculpture to her blind husband at the art museum.”

4. “My parents have been married for 34 years. My mom is in the final stages of young-onset dementia. My dad cares for her full-time. She doesn’t always remember his name but she knows she is safe with him. Isn’t that true love?”

3. This girl couldn’t walk for 10 months. When her boyfriend came to pick her up before prom, she showed him her first steps.

2. “At age 4, I whispered sweet nothings into her ear. 24 years later, we’re getting married.”

1. “1940s — My great-grandfather holding my grandmother. Both are now 74 and 103, respectively, and are both happy and healthy.”

Have you ever been a volunteer in a nursing home, lived in Bangladesh, or worked in a Michelin-star restaurant in Paris? Would you like to tell the whole world why it is so important to meet your friends and family at the airport? We would be glad to read your stories and thoughts in the comments!

Preview photo credit 1Voice1Life/reddit


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