Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet’s Daughter, 16, Makes a Rare Appearance, People Notice the Same Thing

Statistically speaking, as I’ll be doing here, you might have heard that a total solar eclipse is a rare thing — sorry, but that’s a bit of a myth. This phenomenon occurs approximately once every 18 months. The next one will take place in April 2024, so you can check it out yourself!
Okay, and this one is pretty rare, but not impossible. The odds of being struck by lightning are 1 in 3,000! There are also some positive statistics: the odds that you survive the lightning strike are 9 in 10. Shocking.
And what about having 12 fingers? Welp, it’s higher odds than a lightning strike. The experts give different figures, but it’s about 1 in 500, 1 in 750 to 1 in 1000 odds. And just think of the piano possibilities!
Seeing a double egg yolk is just as unusual — you can find such a yolk in 1 in 1,000 eggs. They’re usually laid by younger hens, and you know, they’re rookies, still learning how to lay eggs right. Just kidding! By the way, it’s also possible to find a triple yolk in an egg.
But this time, the odds are higher: it’s 1 in 25,000,000, at least the British Egg Information Service says so. A guy from Australia found such an egg and shared the photo. He said the triple yolk egg tastes just like any other regular one. The world record is 9 yolks in one egg. Another record is that a woman from Britain found 29 double-yolkers — and all of them were from the same package.
Finding a four-leaf clover is considered to be a sign of good luck in Ireland, but this is pretty rare, and the odds are only about 1 in every 10,000 clovers. But Gabriella Gerhardt of Fitchburg, Wisconsin managed to find 451 four-leaf clovers in one hour, so I guess nothing is impossible! If you try hard enough, you’ll probably even find a 7-leaf clover, but this time, the odds are one in 250,000,000.
Can you imagine puffy chips? An Australian kid found one and shared it on TikTok. The story evolved so much that the girl even created a listing for the puffy chip on eBay. It all got pretty viral, and the bids were insanely high, like, up to $100,000 for the chip! Eventually, the listing was taken down, but the kid still managed to sell it. The Doritos maker themselves offered a whopping $20,000 for this unique chip.
Your odds of being injured by a toilet are 1 in 10,000. Nope, I didn’t make that up, this figure is quite official. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention made a whole study on this issue, and in most cases, it’s due to accidental falls, or as we like to say, a “wipeout”.
Winning a lottery sounds next to impossible, especially if it’s a McDonald’s monopoly game. A Canadian structural engineer Michael Ross counted your odds of winning $1,000,000 in the McDonald’s Monopoly game. It’s a whopping 1 in 451,822,158.
Hold on. Sorry. We can’t mention Whopper when we’re talking about Mcdonald’s. Anyway, I’m not sure anyone can eat that many Chicken McNuggets, to get those tickets. Earning this money seems way easier.
In comparison with McD, the Powerball jackpot seems somewhat easier to win: the odds are 1 in 292,000,000. But still, your chances are very slim, to say the least. Don’t buy that boat just yet.
Over to you: what do you think is more real, becoming an astronaut or winning the lottery? Becoming an astronaut. It’s almost 40 times more real to go to space than to win the McD monopoly thing, as the odds are 1 in 12,100,000. Back in 2016, 18,300 people applied to NASA and only 10 of them made it to the training class. Not to mention going to space!
If you’re not satisfied with lottery-winning odds, but finding a job is not an option for you, I have a nice piece of information for you. The odds of dating a millionaire are 1 in 215. Now we’re talking! Still, the statistics don’t disclose information on whether the millionaire you may date is generous or not. Hey, don’t take this one seriously, go get a good job.
As for jobs, how about becoming a writer? The statistics say the chances you may become successful aren’t that bad. For instance, the odds that you write a best-selling novel are 1 in 220. Almost like dating a millionaire, but in this case, you won’t have to ask for money — it’ll be all yours!
You can also become an actor. By the way, it’s easier to win an Oscar than to win a lottery. The odds of winning this magnificent golden statuette are 1 in 11,500. But to win the Oscar, you gotta become a movie star first, right?
Well, prospects here are slimmer. You have a fat chance of 1 in 1,190,000, so they aren’t really in your favor. But still, all this seems more probable than winning a lottery. By the way, why is it that fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?
Now let’s see what your prospects of becoming a millionaire are. There are many ways to make money, but apparently, each of us has a 6% to 22% chance of becoming a millionaire. Even if it’s 6 in 100, it sounds like truly positive statistics, not to mention 22 in 100! Turns out that the odds of winning an Olympic Gold medal are very unlikely. According to some sources, it’s only 1 in 662,000. Bravo to all the athletes who made it!
What do you think is rarer: finding a pearl in an oyster or winning the Oscar? It’s finding a pearl. The probability is approximately 1 in 12,000.
Are you into bowling? It may seem a piece of cake, but the odds of playing a perfect 300 game are 1 in 460, and this statistic is for professionals. Things are harder for amateurs: chances are 1 in 11,500. Yeah, it seems like bowling is as hard as getting the Oscar. Wait, does Michelle Yeoh go bowling? Of course, she can do everything, everywhere, all at once. That’s multitasking.
Now let’s play a guessing game: what are the odds of becoming a centenarian? 1 in 5,000, 1 in 10,000, or 1 in 15,000? The right answer is 1 in 5,000. More so, they say that the youngest now has a much higher chance of living to 100 years and even more.
If you ever passed the SAT, I hear you: it’s a lot of stress. But next time your parents want you to study more to get a perfect score on the SAT, you can share these stats: back in 2015, only 504 of over 1.5M students got every point. It’s only 1 in 30,000, give or take. So don’t sweat it.
What are your chances of getting poisoned? Quite good, actually. No matter whether you eat in high-end restaurants or drive-through takeaways, food poisoning chances are approximately 1 in 6. Yep, 1 in 6 Americans experiences food poisoning in a year. So dig in!
I don’t really want to compare Harvard University to the lottery, but your chances of getting accepted into Harvard are way higher than winning a jackpot. Back in 2021, the acceptance rate was 3.2%, which is only about 3 students out of 100 applicants. But then, you don’t need to study hard to grab a lottery ticket...
Are you left-handed or right-handed? There are way more right-handed people — 85% to 90%, while only 10% to 15% are left-handed. But what about ambidextrous people? These folks are rare. Only 1 in 100 people is ambidextrous. Nope, if you can use both hands and handle some easy tasks with your non-dominant hand, it doesn’t mean you’re ambidextrous. To be such a person, you need to use both hands equally well.
Hey, when is your birthday? It may seem that we all have 1 in 365 odds of being born on any day of the year, but there’s one exception. I’m talking about leap years and the 29th of February. There are 1 in 1,461 odds of being born on that day. It’s easy to calculate: it’s the number of days in four years plus one.
You may not have found any reason why you’re unique in this list, but trust me: you ARE. Just by the fact that you were born. Scientists say that you had approximately a 1 in 10 to the power of 2,685,000 chance of being born. You see, for you to arrive in the world, your parents needed to meet, your grandparents too, and so on and so on and so on! Need I say more? Nope, I’m done.