6 Types of Sounds That Can Help You Fall Asleep Faster

2 years ago

The average human spends one-third of their life on earth sleeping. Although this may seem like a lot of zzz’s in your life, studies have shown that 1 in 3 adults still don’t get enough sleep, and almost 30% of those people report that their lack of rest is caused by the difficulty they experience in falling asleep. If you are one of these people, fret not, we just might have a solution for you!

We at Bright Side are eager to share that there are certain noises that can help you relax, prep your body to rest, and help you get the required amount of sleep you need.

1. Nature echoes

Nature sounds, like steady rain, rustling leaves, wind, and a pumping heartbeat are known as pink noise. Pink noise is a classification of sound that can be picked up by the human ear, regardless of the sound’s frequency. Studies show that these environmental sounds slow down our brain waves and can help us fall asleep faster and deeper.

Listening to these types of pink noise can help you go to sleep:

  • Swaying trees and rustling leaves
  • Trickling water
  • Light but steady rainfall
  • Breezy wind
  • A heartbeat
  • Soft waves hitting the shore

2. Balanced & consistent tones

More commonly known as white noise, these sounds have been found to effectively put fussy babies to sleep more quickly. White noise travels in frequencies of even amplitude that are picked up by our ears, which allow the brain to maintain focus and concentration. This is helpful for people who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep because these sounds can cancel out other noises and help the brain focus on sleep.

Some forms of white noise that you can try listening to in bed include:

  • Radio or television static
  • The whirring sound of an electric fan
  • A buzzing radiator
  • The low hum of an air conditioner

3. Low-pitched sounds

Some people find lower frequency sounds to be more soothing when it comes to falling asleep. These sounds are called brown noise. In comparison to white and pink noise, brown is bold, deep, and strong, like the rumbling of thunder or the crashing of waves. Although these deep rumbles have yet to be scientifically proven for their effectiveness, there have been a number of claims that brown noise has helped people with their sleep.

Types of brown noise you can listen to include:

  • Ocean currents and strong waterfalls
  • Crashing waves
  • Rumbling thunder
  • Low roaring or trembles

4. Kitchen noises

There are different noises in the kitchen that can actually help you go to sleep. The sizzling of food cooking in a pan is a form of pink noise, while the constant whirring of a stove range hood is a type of white noise. Even the motor of a running fridge or freezer can help you or an irritable child fall asleep.

5. Personal playlists

One of the main reasons for our inability to fall asleep is caused by stress, and one of the ways to alleviate that strain is through music. Music has been proven to have a powerful effect on one’s stress and emotions. By listening to a set of your favorite tunes before going to bed, you may be able to lift yourself from your worries and clear your mind to get a sounder sleep.

6. Nothingness

Sometimes in order to fall asleep, all you need is some peace and quiet. Black noise or the sound of nothing is the complete silence that you might just need to get a good night’s sleep.

Do you listen to any of these sounds? What do you do when you are having trouble falling asleep?

Preview photo credit Shutterstock.com, Shutterstock.com


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