8 Amazon Products That Will Help Reduce the Appearance of Your Scars

year ago

Every single year, about 15 million Americans have some kind of surgical procedure. This means that a lot of people end up having scars of various sizes and depths that need tending to. But it’s not just surgeries, like C-sections, that leave scars, since people get burns and suffer injuries every single day. This is why it’s important to find good products that will help you treat your scar quickly and efficiently.

1. A scar gel treatment that comes in different sizes, from a packet of 6 ml to a tube of 100 ml. The gel has been clinically proven to smooth and soften scars, and reduce redness. As soon as it dries, the gel creates a waterproof sheet that provides protection and treatment for 24 hours.

4.2 stars out of 5

It is recommended to keep using the gel for 60-90 days if you want to see the results. If your scar is much deeper though, you might need to keep using it for longer than 90 days.

Benefits: Many users have been amazed by how well this gel works. Most of them started to see results after 10 weeks of continuous use twice a day.

Flaws: The price is something some buyers had an issue with. Also, someone thought the gel took too long to dry.

Promising review: This product is amazing. After having a cancerous lump removed l was left with a large scar. A lot longer than I thought it would be. After speaking to the surgeon who performed the operation about what l could put on the scar he advised this product and I am so glad he did as it has just left a very thin scar line much better than I thought it would be.
I would totally recommend this product. It is expensive but it really works. @susan harland

2. Mederma’s advanced gel for scars can be used on every part of the body. The tube is 20 ml and it has been proven to improve scars from the first 14 days of use. The gel has the ability to penetrate the skin and heal scars from the inside out.

3.9 stars out of 5

First, it hydrates and conditions the skin, then improves its texture and lastly reduces the redness of scars. It’s made with Cepalin botanical extract, which is perfect for scars caused by acne, burns, injury, or surgery.

Benefits: People have seen great results, even after 3 weeks of daily use. Many of them are also happy that the gel is fragrance-free.

Flaws: It takes about 25 minutes for the gel to set and dry, which means that you can’t cover the area with clothing until that happens.

Promising review: I fainted recently because of dehydration and got an annoying scar in my face. I didn’t care then. I just took good care of it by applying oil and moisturizer. Later I noticed that the scar had turned black. Then I read some article regarding hyperpigmentation and understood the reason why.
On my search to cure the black spot in my face I came to know about Mederma ointment. I tried it with lot of hesitation in fear it would worsen the area. But as it turned out, it gave me some healing. I have applied it continuously at least twice a day. And it cured my skin in 10 days. @Dinesh Manivannan

3. Professional silicone scar sheets that can treat scars from surgery, acne, burns, C-sections, and more. There are 8 sheets in the box and they will last you for approximately 4 months. The sheets are reusable and you can even wash them if they get really dirty.

4.5 stars out of 5

You need to apply them the same way you apply a bandage. Just clean and dry the area, cut the sheet according to the size of your scar, peel off the liner, and put the sheet on the scar. Each sheet can be used for up to 2 weeks.

Benefits: Most users were happy with how well this tape sticks and stays on their scars. One buyer said that if you have trouble keeping it on the scar, you can just use some medical tape to secure it.

Flaws: For some buyers it was hard to keep the sheet stuck on their scar and especially when they would get in the shower.

Promising review: I really like these Aroamas Silicone Scar Sheets. I have already used 2 of them near my right eye which has been troubling me for a while now. These 2 scar sheets have already helped heal the soreness of this scar and my skin there looks so much better. I am very happy with these Scar Sheets and shall continue to use them until the skin has totally improved. @Mrs. Iris M. Henderson

4. Cicatricure face and body scar gel is made to help with your entire body and face. It’s ideal for burns, acne, surgery scars, and stretch marks. It improves the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scars thanks to the glycerin it contains.

4.3 stars out of 5

This 28-gram tube is alcohol free and its aim is to hydrate and soften skin tissue that has been harmed due to a variety of reasons. It’s best not to apply it on irritated and injured skin and to stop using it if a rash occurs.

Benefits: Most buyers have seen amazing results after using this gel. Those who used it after having surgery or on their stitches seemed very happy with it.

Flaws: Some users expressed their annoyance with how many times a day you need to apply the gel so it can have positive effects.

Promising review: Happy to say this product works. You won’t see a difference immediately. It takes time. But be consistent.
I keep the ointment at my computer which is where I’m at most the time for work. I re-apply throughout the day about 3-4 times. Got the scars on June 2. After the scabs went away (about a week and half later), the scars looked a lot better by July 19th.
So for about a month before I started using the ointment, the appearance of the scar did not improve. Then I started the ointment on July 19th. You can see a significant improvement within almost 2 months. You also don’t need to use a lot. This tube will probably last me 1.5 — 2 years. @Carmen

5. Bio-Oil’s skincare oil aims to improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks. There are 3 different sizes you can choose from and the oil has a lavender and chamomile scent. It contains vitamins A and E, calendula, and rosemary. These ingredients are guaranteed to improve your skin’s elasticity and texture.

4.7 stars out of 5

The oil also helps fight aging and dehydrated skin by soothing fine lines and wrinkles. It is advised to use it twice a day on the areas you want to focus on and massage in circular movements until it’s absorbed.

Benefits: People have used it for a variety of reasons and it has turned out to be very beneficial. Whether it’s been used for burn scars on kids or for moisturizing reasons, the product seems to do what it promises.

Flaws: Someone who has sensitive skin noticed that her skin would itch a lot after every application.

Promising review: Cannot recommend enough! I had open surgery on my stomach 5 months ago, leaving a nasty scar. I purchased Bio-Oil about 2-3 months ago. I was applying in the morning, after the shower, and before bed.
The results speak for themselves! I was going to get my scar tattooed to cover it up but I now don’t need to as you can barely see it. I will keep on applying it as it keeps the scar moisturized. @isobelyl

6. Soft silicone scar tape that is self-adhesive and painless. It contains a gel solution that helps treat and heal scars that result from surgery, burns, and C-sections. It is suitable for all skin types and the tape can be reused. It also doesn’t matter if the scars are old or new since the tape can benefit any of them.

4.5 stars out of 5

The tape has been made using medical grade materials and are latex and Teflon free. That’s why they are perfectly safe to use.

Benefits: People have seen great results just one month after using this product depending on how deep the scars were. It is okay to use while exercising and showering.

Flaws: Some buyers with extra sensitive skin noticed that their scars didn’t react nicely after using this tape, so maybe if you fall under the same category, you should be careful with it.

Promising review: I had surgery on my neck in May and for some reason half of the scar decided to become irritated: raised, sore, with redness around it. I’ve recently started using this tape and I can say that, so far, I am very impressed with the results. The soreness has pretty much gone, the scar is not as raised, and the tape itself goes a long way.
I find I can get about 3 days out of one piece of tape. Even showering every day. It’s barely noticeable on my skin. I wish I had a before photo of my scar for comparison, but so far I am very happy with the results and will continue to use it. @Ruth

7. Another silicone-based scar sheet that contains a 2-month supply. The sheets are quite small and can work perfectly on C-sections and during the healing time for other surgeries. They work by boosting cell rejuvenation and regeneration in affected areas.

4.2 stars out of 5

NuvaDermis Silicone Scar Treatment scar sheets are made of premium medical-grade ingredients that reduce the appearance of scars in 6 weeks to 4 months.

Benefits: One buyer said that they started noticing an improvement of their scar after just one week of use. Also, the tape is for all body types.

Flaws: The edges might make it a bit difficult to stick to the skin perfectly.

Promising review: I broke my leg/ankle and had a pretty noticeable scar post-surgery. I started combing Amazon products to see if there was anything out there with good reviews to help with lessening the appearance of my scar. I purchased this item based off of several good reviews listed and found myself pleased with the results.
I applied this a few months after my second surgery for a few weeks and couldn’t get over how well it worked! Although there is still a scar, it is significantly reduced. Will purchase again in the future if I come across another scar that needs tending to. @Ashley

8. Re-Gen oil that aims to improve the appearance of scars and uneven skin tones. The 125 ml bottle helps prevent and reduce the appearance of stretch marks caused by pregnancy and weight loss. It also helps improve the condition of skin with scar tissue.

4.5 stars out of 5

Carefully pour Re-Gen Oil onto your fingers and gently massage the affected and vulnerable area. Massage in a smooth, circular motion ensuring even coverage. For smaller areas, fingertip application will be necessary. Use regularly, 2-3 times a day.

Benefits: People are very happy with the price of this product and its effectiveness in a very short amount of time. Buyers have also seen an improvement in their stretch marks.

Flaws: People with sensitive skin might be wary with using this on their faces since they might have a reaction.

Promising review: After 3 weeks of using this oil twice a day, the improvement is clearly visible. I saw a difference within a couple of days. The oil itself isn’t greasy and doesn’t mark my clothes when I put them on straight after application. All in all I’m really pleased with this product. @Katrina Mills

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Preview photo credit Frankie / Amazon


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