8 Celebrity Moms Who Opened Up About the Undisclosed Truth Behind Pregnancy

year ago

For some women, pregnancy is just a fantastic experience that they cherish as the best time of their lives. Many others, on the other hand, find it tiresome and difficult, particularly as the body changes over the trimesters.

It’s important to realize that pregnancy can be both a lovely and a tough experience, so today, Bright Side is celebrating 8 remarkable women who may help relieve these concerns and offer support to other moms experiencing similar issues.

1. Hilary Duff

The renowned American actress may not have had a tough pregnancy, but she was feeling the strain of being in the spotlight while pregnant. She has had to be mindful of what she ate and whether she gained or lost weight. Duff stated, “I read comments on my Twitter page about how I’m waddling into pilates and I go, ’Wow, that’s a really mean thing to say. I just had a baby 3 weeks ago!’”

Becoming a mother would leave her feeling alone, while her peers got to enjoy their twenties. “It was a little isolating in the beginning because I didn’t have any friends that had babies yet,” Duff explained during a podcast interview. Besides her loneliness, the actress felt as if she had “lost a large portion” of her identity.

However, when asked about her pregnancy, she declared, “To be totally honest, I had a really easy pregnancy and I did enjoy a lot of it. But a part of me isn’t like those women who love being pregnant. I love my baby and I miss that feeling of being attached to him when he’s kicking, but I was so ready to not be pregnant.”

2. Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian appears to enjoy being a mother of 4, but she’s been open about how difficult pregnancy was for her. She has admitted on her blog to having battled feelings of body shame on social media. “I cried every single day over what was happening to my body, mainly from the pressures of being constantly compared to what society considered a healthy pregnant person should look like,” she wrote.

Aside from that, the well-known American socialite stated her disdain for pregnancy: “For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life! I don’t enjoy one moment of it, and I don’t understand people who enjoy it.”

Kardashian continued, “Maybe it’s the swelling, the backaches, or just how your body expands and nothing fits. I just always feel like I’m not in my skin. It’s hard to explain. I don’t feel sexy, either — I feel insecure and most of the time I just feel gross.”

3. Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson had no trouble getting through her first pregnancy, loving it and having few concerns. However, her second pregnancy was completely unexpected to her. “We just let destiny take its course. I actually didn’t want a second child before my thirty-third birthday,” said Hudson.

During the whole pregnancy, the actress suffered from terrible morning sickness and has compared being pregnant to being stoned. “Being pregnant is wonderful. You do get the pregnant mush-brain... you know what it’s like?” she explained.

Additionally, the very significant shift in her chest size had left her uncomfortable. She said, “I hate it. I’m usually an A cup and I’m getting close to a D cup.”

4. Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is well-known for her adoption campaign; nevertheless, before meeting her now-ex-husband Brad Pitt, the acclaimed actress confessed in various tabloids that she had no desire to have children.

“I think one of the life-changing things he did, one of many, is that I was absolutely never going to get pregnant,” Jolie said of Pitt in an interview. “I never felt that it was the right thing to do. Now I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world,” Jolie said.

In addition, when pregnant with her twins, Knox and Vivienne, the Hollywood celebrity faced a lot of difficulties. External sources have revealed how difficult her pregnancy had been for her. “Angelina’s having a very hard time, and it’s making her miserable,” a friend revealed at the time. “The babies are heavy, and she tires out very easily.”

5. Mariah Carey

At the age of 41, Mariah Carey gave birth to twins. The “Queen of Christmas,” as she is known, would not appreciate or love being pregnant. She didn’t want anyone, not even her husband, to see her body once she had achieved her peak weight during pregnancy, even though she couldn’t be in full control at all times with 2 children growing inside her womb.

“I had a towel on in the tub... I’m not lying, I promise you! You think I would let [husband] Nick see me looking rancid like that?” Carey declared.

The artist continued saying harsh remarks about her pregnancy shape: “I had, like, no bones for a while,” she says. “It’s important to me to feel my bones!”

6. Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson, a singer and host of The Voice is hilarious and empathetic, especially to women who don’t enjoy being pregnant. The singer spoke out about her pregnancy, claiming that she never had that wonderful pregnancy glow other women receive.

“It’s horrible,” Clarkson said. “Nothing is beautiful, nothing is magical. Whatever, if you’re that person that gets that pregnancy, good for you. But I will remind my children every day of their lives what I went through.”

Clarkson has said she was not a fan of being pregnant, admitting, “It’s just my body...I’m not meant to be pregnant!”

7. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow, actress and businesswoman, wasn’t exempt from pregnancy complications, claiming that she had a terrible time being pregnant since she was severely ill the entire time. She pondered having a third kid at one time but decided against it.

“I may force myself to do it one more time because the result is so worth it,” she revealed.

“I had a hard time being pregnant. I mean, it’s obviously beyond worth it. But I was very nauseous and sick for both. And my babies were huge. So it was kind of not that comfortable,” Gwyneth explained.

8. Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway disclosed her pregnancy problems in a touching Instagram post, stating, “It was not a straight line to either of my pregnancies.”

“It’s not always a straight line. There is a one-sided narrative to this, and, of course, it’s wonderful that we celebrate the happy moment when it’s ready to share,” Hathaway explained during an interview after having published the post.

“I think there is a silence around the moments before that and they are not all happy, and, in fact, a lot of them are quite painful. I think that pain is that these women feel like we’re the only ones going through it.”

What was your pregnancy like? How did you feel during the entire journey?

In the midst of a Cannes Film Festival scandal, Angelina Jolie’s modern beauty standards were contrasted with those of legendary actress Claudia Cardinale, sparking a debate on body image.


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