8+ Nannies Whose Jobs Took a Chaotic Turn

7 hours ago

Stepping into a nanny job, you might expect cuddles, bedtime stories, and maybe a few tantrums. But sometimes, things take a turn for the completely unexpected. From kids with unbelievable energy to situations that make you question reality, some nannies have found themselves in the middle of total chaos. Here, people share the wildest, funniest, and most jaw-dropping moments they’ve experienced while on the job!

  • I’m in the living room, watching Sister, Sister, just vibing, when out of nowhere, I hear a man’s voice say, “Hello.” Immediate fight-or-flight. I check the front door, but it’s locked. Peek out the window and the driveway’s empty. The parents are gone.
    Scared out of my mind, I head upstairs to check on the kids. They were both still in bed, tucked in and safe, so that’s a relief. I go back downstairs, and I hear it again. This time from the pitch-black dining room, “Hello. I am Armando.”
    They had a freaking parrot. — © Podaroo / Reddit
  • So last year, I was helping get two elementary school kids ready in the mornings so their parents could leave for work. Pretty normal gig, until one morning when I walked in and found the mom on the floor, unresponsive
    The dad had already left, and I had no idea what was going on. Called 911, and while I was on the phone, I could hear the TV in the next room. Figured one kid was still asleep. Meanwhile, the mom starts coming to and tries to keep making her lunch like nothing happened. I could barely convince her to sit down. I was terrified she’d fall again!
    I sent the TV-watching kid upstairs with the dog just before the paramedics arrived. At this point, I’m juggling the phone with the dad, neighbors are texting me asking if everything’s okay, and the paramedics are firing off questions.
    They took her to the hospital, and somehow, I still got the kids ready for school. They were totally fine—missed the whole thing. The bus came, I waved them off... and then cried the entire way home. — © adognamedpancake / Reddit
  • A couple of years ago, I was babysitting my niece. She was three at the time, so I did the usual bedtime routine, story, cuddle, tucked her in, then went downstairs, put on a movie, and accidentally passed out on the couch.
    At some point, I woke up to something grabbing my ankle. My half asleep brain went straight to ghost or serial killer, so I freaked the hell out and instinctively shook my leg as hard as I could. Yeah, bad move.
    Turns out my niece had somehow unfastened her door, climbed over two baby gates, and made it downstairs in the dark, all just to ask for another bedtime story. We do not tell her mom about the time I almost punted her child across the living room. — © Portarossa / Reddit
  • I was playing hide and seek with the three kids I was babysitting. They were 3, 6, and 9 y.o. I was the seeker. Found the oldest. Found the youngest. The middle kid? Nowhere.
    After thirty minutes of searching in a not very big house, I was spiralling. I could not believe I had actually lost a child. It felt like the setup to a bad movie. So I did what any responsible babysitter would do and called the parents, fully prepared to be fired on the spot
    I tell them what happened, completely panicked, and they start laughing. Then they hit me with, “Did you specify the boundaries?” The WHAT?
    Turns out their six-year-old hid in a bush in the neighbor’s front yard because I never explicitly said don’t leave the yard. She had apparently done this before, which is how the parents knew exactly where to find her.
    Even though they weren’t mad, I still have nightmares about that day. — © mai_life / Reddit
  • They decided they didn’t like me, so they locked me out of their room. Then, all three of them climbed onto the roof with the cordless phone and called their grandmother.
    She came over and immediately started scolding me. — © witchwithflyinghead / Reddit
  • I was babysitting my boss’ 4-year-old daughter. She was constipated. She went to the bathroom and stayed there for way too long.
    After fifteen minutes, I checked on her. She was sitting on the toilet, struggling. I was about to give her some privacy when she suddenly flailed her little arms and yelled,"You can’t leave! You have to SQUISH me!" I just stood there like, excuse me?
    She explained, completely serious, that when she couldn’t poop, mommy and daddy would squish her tummy. Then she demonstrated. One hand on her stomach, one on her back. The proper squishing technique.
    So, against all my instincts, I followed orders and gently pressed her stomach. But no, that wasn’t enough. “Harder! You have to squish me harder!” And that is how I ended up literally squeezing a small child.
    After a few minutes of this absurd ritual, she sighed in relief and hopped off the toilet. I looked down. In the bowl was a single corn-kernel-sized bit of poop. I squished a child for almost nothing. — © heartbreakcity / Reddit
  • I babysat a friend’s kids a few weeks ago. One of them, who was about a year and a half old, walked out of the hallway, pointing and saying, “Man! Man!”
    There was no one else in the house except for me, the kids, and another mother. I am really hoping he just saw a picture or maybe a neighbor through a window. — © _frances / Reddit
  • I had put the two kids to bed and was downstairs watching TV when I heard a faint noise. It slowly grew louder until it sounded exactly like the guttural sound the woman makes in The Grudge.
    For a solid five seconds, I was absolutely convinced that a ghostly woman with no jaw was about to crawl down the stairs and end me. But I had to be brave and check on the kids.
    Turns out, it was just the little girl snoring. — © Unknown Author / Reddit
  • The kid had been asleep for hours, and I was watching a movie. Around midnight, I heard scratching at the door. At first, I ignored it, but then I got freaked out and checked.
    Through the window, I saw glowing eyes staring back at me. Almost had a heart attack. Turns out they had a dog. And never told me. — © 97kelly / Reddit
Preview photo credit mai_life / Reddit


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