9 Unknown Uses for Orange Peels in Everyday Life

Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Oranges are in the top 5 of the most sought out fruits in the US. Most people drink the juice and others eat oranges whole, but in both cases, nobody uses the peel, which usually ends up in the trash. But we have gathered some very helpful ways you can utilize orange peels in your daily life, since not everything deserves to end up in the garbage.

Bright Side is always looking for cheap and effective ways to solve minor problems in our lives and homes, and these orange peel tips will do a good job at exactly that.

1. They keep snails away from your garden.

Snails and slugs are some of the most hated enemies of those who grow their own vegetables. The best way to remove them from your soil is to place some orange peels all over your garden. Snails are very attracted to oranges and will start feeding off of them instead of your cabbage and lettuce. You will need to keep an eye out though so that you can remove them as soon as you see them munching on those peels.

2. Make a cleaner to reduce mold.

Mold is one of the worst things that can appear in your house, and there is nothing better to fight it off with than a natural repellent. You can fill a big jar with orange peels and then cover them with white wine vinegar up to the brim. The infusion process will progress even faster if you heat the vinegar first. You will need to leave the repellent alone for 2-4 weeks in a dark place, and after that, you can feel free to start using it on any moldy spots.

3. Rub them on plants to keep cats away.

Many cats have the bad habit of biting and scratching the leaves of indoor plants. What you can do to avoid this is to simply take some orange peels and rub them on the plants. The oils that will be left on the leaves and stems will annoy your cat, who will probably walk right past them without bothering them.

4. Store a peel in the sugar package.

Those who bake know very well how brown sugar can harden if left alone for some time in the cupboard, or if any moisture gets locked in. In order to avoid this, you can leave a 3-inch-long orange peel inside the sugar package. The peel will make sure to preserve the sugar’s moisture without making it hard or developing any lumps.

5. Use them to polish wooden surfaces.

Almost every house around the world has some kind of wooden surface in it, and wood, like most materials, loses its shine over time. One clever and cheap way to restore that shine is to take an orange peel and use the white side to rub the wooden surfaces. It might not solve scratches and small breaks, but it will improve its look and also help with the wood’s condition.

6. Throw some peels in your garbage disposal.

Garbage disposals have to be one of the dirtiest spots around your house, and not everyone cleans it as often as they should. What you can do is pour a bowl of ice cubes and a cup of orange peels into the running disposal and turn on the cold water for 30-45 seconds. Then you can turn off the disposal and run some hot water for 15 seconds. You will notice how the odor becomes much more pleasant and fresh.

Most people choose stainless steel for their sinks and this material can look very dull if not cleaned correctly. One smart way to restore its shine is to rub it with the exterior part of an orange peel. You can use your leftover peels for faucets, door handles, fridges and even stoves.

7. Remove stubborn coffee stains in mugs.

If you are one of those people who drink out of the same coffee or tea cup over the course of the day, you might have noticed how stained your mugs get. Even if you rub it with your sponge, it doesn’t become spotless. That’s why you can try rubbing the stains with a slightly salted orange peel. The salt will be a great assistant in scrubbing these stubborn stains.

8. Use them to clean your microwave.

The microwave traps a lot of ugly smells, which can play a big part in the quality of your food. What you can do to clean it naturally is fill a bowl with water and a few orange peels. Microwave that for 60 seconds on high and then open the door. The odor will be super fresh, and you can use the water to rub the microwave all over, using a clean cloth.

9. Use them for compost.

Citrus fruit, including oranges, are good for homemade compost as long as they are combined with other fruits and vegetables. You will also need to keep an eye on the compost and add leaves and dry grass in order to balance its dryness. Make sure that you cut the orange peels in smaller pieces before throwing them in the compost so they can decompose faster. Lastly, the temperature of your compost has to be very warm so that mold won’t be created.

Will you be using any of the tips shown above? If you do, would you mind telling us how it went?

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