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If you’ve ever been to a gym, you’ve surely seen some painful characters who don’t follow proper gym etiquette and make you wish you stayed home. We at Bright Side have listed the 8 rules you should be following to make the gym experience much more pleasant for yourself and your fellow gym goers.
While there’s nothing wrong with sweating during exercise, using a workout towel is an important part of proper gym etiquette, as well as wiping your sweat off the equipment after you use it. Remember that most of the machines are leather covered, and your sweat will not disappear unless you wipe it off.
There are people who are just hanging around on equipment. They are texting on their phones, checking e-mails, taking selfies, or even napping while there are others waiting to get on that particular machine. If you’re at the gym, you’re there to work out. Don’t forget that.
Some of the most annoying people at the gym are those who have very long and loud conversations on their phones during a workout.
The other irritating types are those who like to play their music with the volume so high others can hear it even through their own headphones.
Do you remember how in kindergarten we were taught that the blocks were for all the children? That’s how you should behave in the gym. Do not stick to one piece of equipment at a time. Don’t spend 2 hours on the treadmill if you see that there are people waiting to use it too.
Another thing you should have learned in childhood is that you should not leave your toys everywhere. The same rule applies at the gym: always put the weights back where they belong. Leaving them on the gym floor can cause someone to fall or become injured.
Using a machine for 60 minutes is rude, but so is standing with your arms crossed in front of a person who is exercising and giving them a "hurry up" look.
Don’t be late to class. It doesn’t matter if it’s a group fitness class or a personal training session. This can be distracting for the instructor and other class members. If you arrived late, at least make sure you interrupt the class as little as possible.
There’s always that one person who parades naked around the room making others feel uncomfortable, and there are those who shave in the shower for hours and leave everything covered in foam and hair.
Even if you don’t mind being seen naked, remember that there are others who are uncomfortable being around someone who’s naked or taking their clothes off in public. Respect others, their time, and their privacy. Keep in mind that the gym locker room isn’t your personal bathroom, and make sure you clean up after yourself.