A Llama Attends a Wedding as a Groomsman, and the Photos Are Incredible

year ago

People often strive to make their big day unique and memorable, but one couple’s creative idea is taking the internet by storm. A couple decided to have a rather unconventional groomsman — a llama — dressed up like a gentleman at their wedding. And naturally, the photos showing the llama mixing up with the guests have gone viral. If you ever wondered how a llama would wear pants, a picture inside reveals the answer.

The unlikely groomsman: A llama in a tuxedo

When it comes to choosing a groomsman, most couples turn to close friends or family members. However, Adam and Tara thought outside the box and invited a furry friend to stand by the groom’s side. J, dressed in his best tuxedo with a pink tie, showed up “carrying a flower.”

A wedding was made unforgettable.

Thanks to the New York farm called Llama Adventures, the couple not only succeeded in surprising their guests, but their wedding photos also went viral. Sharing some wedding shots, the farm congratulated the couple, “Thank you, Adam and Tara for allowing J to be part of your big day. Congratulations on your nuptials!”

You can too get a llama for your wedding.

If you too fancy llamas, the farm promises to “spice up” your event with them. Not only weddings, you can invite llamas to home visits, school events, Christmas photos, parties, advertising, and business promotions. According to their website, the rates start from “$150 per llama hour* for 1 llama hour” and should be booked three weeks in advance.

Having unique weddings is trending, and many brides are choosing to ditch the usual and opt for something creative. Take a look at some of their cool ideas here.

Preview photo credit LlamaAdventuresNY / Facebook


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