A Man Tried to Teach a Woman Golf, Unaware She Was a Pro, Her Reaction Was Priceless

month ago

In the world of golf, where people try to hit a small ball into a hole using a stick, there was a funny moment. A pro golfer was getting ready to swing her club. Then, a person who thought they knew a lot about golf came up and started telling her how to do it better.

She was getting ready to hit the ball when a man approached her.

Georgia, the golf pro, who also teaches golf, was practicing her swings to get better. She was trying out some changes to her swing, which means she was testing small adjustments to see if they worked. While she was practicing, a man nearby tried to tell her how to swing better, saying he’d been playing golf for 20 years.

Georgia was recording herself practicing and caught the whole conversation on video. She posted it on TikTok, a social media app, and it became really popular, getting 13 million views and around 900,000 likes. People liked seeing how she handled the situation calmly and with humor.

She decided to prove him wrong.

Georgia tried to be nice and explain that she was doing something different, but he just kept talking over her. So, she decided to show him how it’s done and took a swing. It was perfect! However, the man actually had the nerve to take credit for her awesome swing, saying it was all thanks to his advice.

She couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous it all was and tried to explain to him once more what a through swing change, but he didn’t listen, so she just let it go. However, the comment section flooded with praise towards her reaction, with people saying, «You were much more gracious than I would have been.»

A young mom, determined to prioritize her health amidst the chaos of motherhood, finds herself in a weird situation. During one of her regular workouts, she had a not-so-pleasant encounter with a stranger who decided to call her out on her outfit, click to read more of the story.

Preview photo credit georgiagolfcoach / Tiktok


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