That's really sad.. well, this is why you use digital copies on your PC and cloud services.
I hope she find her lost photos
A Woman Begs a Robber to Return Photos of Her Dog’s Last Day in a Note That Will Tear You Apart
You don’t know what memories are worth until you lose them. Then you realize they’re sometimes worth every effort on social media to bring them back. That’s what happened to a woman in Toronto. After being robbed of her dog’s pictures, she placed a sign on the street begging for him to return them, only to find out the internet stepped up to help her.
Bright Side is joining the efforts to help her find her memories by bringing you her story.
She desperately wants her memories back.
A woman in Toronto pasted a note on a lamp post close to the Lansdowne subway station, begging the burglar who broke into her house to return her camera’s memory card. The plea asks the robber to keep everything he took, including her cash but begs him to give her back the camera’s memory card.
This is her story.
This woman is a person who deeply cares about animals. Her beloved pet, Shelby, had been suffering from cancer. The camera’s memory card that she’s trying to get back contains her last treasures of the dog. “Please,” the woman begged, “it has photos of my dog’s last day alive in it. I cannot replace those photos.”
The Internet reacted and so did we.
The woman went on in hopes to touch the burglar’s heart. “She died a few days ago. I cannot lose those photos as well.” When Saoirse Morgan shared the photo on Facebook, the post went viral and many are sharing the story so that it reaches the robber and convinces him to return the memory card. “Thank you to everyone who sent a supportive message,” she said in an online conversation after finding out people were trying to help her. We felt compelled to join the efforts to help this woman find the last memories of Shelby.
The dog had received treatment but wasn’t responsive.
People started giving advice out of nostalgia.
Others are trying to help the dog owner find her dog-mate and give her hope.
It’s gotten people to share their own sad stories.
Some people were pretty mad.
One user was surprised about the level of honor portrayed in the note.
One kind heart wanted to start a fundraiser for her.
And some were incredibly touched.
We hope this woman gets to have her photos and memories back. Have you ever lost pictures you cherished? What did you do to recover them? What would you do to get back your puppy’s last photos? Tell us in the comment section.
Maybe this poor lady just didn't have time to download it on her computer :(
Let's hope the robber sees the message..
This story made me sad :(
hope everything goes good

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