Couple Adopted 3 Biological Brothers So They Can Grow Up Together

Family & kids
10 months ago

For prospective parents, the journey of adoption is a rollercoaster of emotions, fueled by a deep longing for a child. Beyond creating a warm home, this transformative experience opens doors to love and shared moments within an expanding family. Two mothers, KC and Lena Currie, exemplify this, showcasing not only kindness but also enormous hearts.

A serendipitous beginning

In 2017, at a Children’s Friend adoption event, KC and Lena Currie stumbled upon a photo of 18-month-old Joey, igniting an instant connection. In 2018, they officially adopted Joey. Their journey into motherhood commenced as they embarked on the adoption process.

As KC, Lena, and Joey settled into their new family dynamic, a delightful surprise awaited. The adoption center revealed that Joey had a little brother destined for foster care. Without hesitation, Lena and KC welcomed 6-week-old Noah into their loving home.

A trio completes the picture.

Just a month after Noah’s official adoption, another revelation surfaced—Joey and Noah had a third brother, the middle brother of the soon-to-be family of five, named Logan.

Amid administrative hiccups and adoption plan setbacks, Logan found his way to his siblings. The family became whole, and the decision to reunite the three brothers brought joy to their adoptive parents.

“A lot of times Joey says, ’Hey, Mommy-Mama’, he’ll settle for either one,” KC said regarding how the boys address her name and her wife.

The importance of brotherhood

KC emphasized the instinctive connection they felt, highlighting the paramount significance of maintaining a close-knit brotherhood. This decision, supported by Veronica Listerud, the director of adoption services, echoes the power of love in creating a harmonious family.

“We were going to end up saying yes because keeping the brothers together was really important to us. When they’re older and have questions, they’ll have each other to lean on and experience that ride together.”

The journey of adoption is a challenge faced by many, including a single gay dad who was constantly told by people that he would never be a father. However, the doubts of many people didn’t stop him from adopting a child and raising him into an Olympic champion.

Preview photo credit Good Morning America / YouTube


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