Dolly Parton Encourages Her Employees to Pursue College by Giving Full Scholarships

2 years ago

In 2020, 37.5% of the population of the US over 25 years old had obtained higher education, which is a big improvement compared to 1960 when this number was less than 8%. However, with the cost of education and related expenses, it’s still very hard to afford to go to college. In this situation, those people who make it easier for others, are true heroes, and Dolly Parton is one of them.

We at Bright Side heard the great news that the singer is one of such wonderful human beings, and decided to look into her initiative.

1. Dolly Parton’s company will cover education costs for its employees.

Dolly Parton’s theme park Dollywood is going to cover their employees’ fees and books for higher education completely. The Grow U program is for not only full-time staff, but also those who work part-time and even seasonal employees. The company’s spokesperson Wes Ramey talked about Dolly’s part in this: “She’s very supportive of the employees learning and continuing to grow themselves.”

2. This way, 11,000 people will have easier access to higher education.

The country singer’s theme park, which is located in Tennessee, is not only the largest employer in its county but it’s also awarded as one of the best in the US. They are known for helping to preserve the crafts and music that are traditional to that area, and now with the educational program, the employees are offered to study technology, marketing, hospitality, and so on through 30 learning partners.

3. The star knows what it’s like to struggle to afford an education.

Dolly Parton was born into a large family (she was the fourth of twelve children). She mentioned that growing up, her family struggled with money: she even was made fun of for an old coat of hers by her classmates. What’s more, she knows exactly what terrible effects illiteracy can have on a person’s life: her father didn’t have the chance to go to school and couldn’t read or write.

4. Dolly’s background is her motivation for making positive changes in the sphere of education.

This program isn’t her first education-centered initiative. Dolly’s also promoted children’s education in elementary schools, started the Buddy Program to help teenagers stay in school, celebrates teachers who’ve overcome difficulties and strive to bring positive change into their students’ lives. The singer loves helping others: “I really think that once you’re in a position to help, you definitely should help.”

What do you think about Dolly Parton’s education initiatives?


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