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Drew was hosting a show when, all of a sudden, a young woman in the audience burst into tears. The star’s reaction was priceless — she immediately stopped the show and came up to the crying woman. The reason turned out to be so heartwarming that Drew couldn’t hold back her emotions either.
The star always finds some ways to spread kindness, and she even earned the title of one of the sweetest and most down-to-earth celebrities in Hollywood. Besides, her co-stars prove it — John Kanell said, “Drew is even more kind and wonderful in person than what you see on TV. She is just a pleasure to be around.”
The moment was posted on Instagram on the official page. Drew was sitting on the set, then suddenly she noticed that a young woman in the audience was crying. Barrymore immediately stopped the show and said, “Are you ok? Did anything happen?” She rushed to the woman whose name was Olivia and asked, “Who do I have to kick?”
Thankfully, nothing bad happened. Turns out the fan couldn’t handle the excitement. The woman responded, “You’re just, like, my childhood idol. I don’t want to be that person to cry.”
Drew reassured her that it was totally fine, “Screw that! Be that person!” The woman continued, “I really love you. I’m sorry, this is such an honor for me to meet you.”
The story made a fuss on social media. Someone wrote, “I was an extra on Never Been Kissed, and she straight up hung out with all the extras for a while. She was unbelievably humble and sweet and kind even when no one was looking.”
Another added, “I see her as ‘real’ and emotional. Never fake.” One more user claimed, “Drew is the gold standard for how all celebrities should be,” and we can’t help but agree.
Although Drew has a heart of gold and a good sense of humor, she still hasn’t found a partner. In this article, she reveals why 3 of her marriages failed and shares the benefits and joys of being single.