Employees Reveal 17 Industry Secrets We Were Totally Unaware Of Until Now

year ago

It might seem like there’s hardly anything that can surprise us, since we have all the answers on the internet. Yet, in some cases, even the internet is completely ignorant of all the mysteries that reside in certain industries. The only way to discover them is to get first-hand knowledge.

Bright Side collected the experience of people from different professions so that you don’t have to figure everything out on your own.

  • When a TV show goes into syndication, some scenes will be cut from episodes to make them slightly shorter, to fit in more commercials. The show can be slightly sped up as well, to squeeze in just a little more advertising.
    © borkencode / Reddit
  • Former Bath and Body Works associate here. The scents they “discontinue” will come back with a different name and new marketing. They’re just recycling the scents.
    © xyenz08 / Reddit
  • If you purchase bulk nuts, grains, etc. Just know that those bins are probably rarely cleaned, and even when they are “cleaned,” odds are they were just rinsed out/wiped down to look clean. I worked in a bulk department that had no cleaning logs or sanitizing procedure. The bins had moths/insect colonies and mold in them.
    © Scrubbadubdoug / Reddit
  • The lighter the roast of coffee, the more caffeine it has. So often I’ll hear people say, “I’ll take a light roast, I don’t want to be up all night after all, haha.” Remember — the caffeine is in the bean at the start, the more you roast it, the more caffeine burns off since it’s in the natural oils of the bean.
    © djpiraterobot / Reddit
  • Every hotel has a giant box of unclaimed phone chargers and will be more than happy to let you go through it. I’ll never have to buy one again.
    © thebossapplesauce / Reddit
  • If you get the slightest stain on your mattress, the manufacturer’s warranty is voided. If you buy a mattress, buy a mattress cover. Returning a mattress to a mattress store is very difficult, no one wants the mattress you bought without testing, who knows what you did on it, so vendors make it nearly impossible to return them (it costs a vendor a lot to recondition a mattress).
    © HacimErk / Reddit
  • I’m in radio. We don’t get to pick what we play on air, the PD schedules it, and we just talk in between songs. The closest we get is when we play a request, it’s usually something we wanted to hear and no one actually requested it.
    © Jombafomb / Reddit
  • I’m a celebrity event photographer in Hollywood. Most of the smaller award show winners like the MTV VMAs, Teen Choice Awards, etc. already know they’re going to win. This motivates the talent to come to the event. The few exceptions are the Oscars and Golden Globes, where the audience is mostly celebrities.
    © bridow / Reddit
  • Ingredient and nutritional statements on food are wildly inaccurate. Aside from demands by 3rd party auditors, which can be skirted, the FDA doesn’t have the resources to verify the accuracy of most nutritional and ingredient statements, instead, they rely on the honor system.
    © kerplunk288 / Reddit
  • After working in the travel industry, I can tell you that hotel room rates are often not fixed prices. If guests come to the front desk and ask about the price, we generally start at the high end. Most people accept this and pay up. However, if a customer is hesitant or threatens to walk out, we can sometimes drop the price to keep them there. Often, there is a bottom-line price set by the owners — we can’t go any lower than that, or we lose money.
    © schlotzy4 / Reddit
  • Former paramedic here. I’ve never once checked, judged, or cared whether you had on clean underwear. Your parents lied.
    © wonderwatson / Reddit
  • “Organic” foods aren’t necessarily grown without chemicals. There are a ton of organic label pesticides out there, many of which are just as toxic as their synthetic counterparts. When I say “grown without chemicals,” I refer to man-made products like fertilizers and insecticides/herbicides.
    © swannygirl94 / Reddit
  • In jewelry, a diamond is a luxury expense, not an investment. Gold is the investment. If you try to sell your engagement ring, you’ll get maybe 20% of what you initially paid for it. Jewelers can get diamonds for a fraction of what you paid for them.
    © victorvanhux / Reddit
  • Most Swiss cheeses (Gruyère, Emmentaler, Appenzeller) are lactose-free, as well as any cheese that’s been aged at least 2 years, like Parmigiano Reggiano or an aged Gouda. I work at a cheese shop, and clients are usually surprised when I share that information with them.
    © NatchoFriend / Reddit
  • Hair is not alive. If your hair is damaged, you can’t “fix” it. No matter what that bottle of conditioner tells you. Products that claim to fix damaged hair just deposit a coating of wax, simethicone, or dimethicone on the hair shaft that makes it look smooth. This build up will eventually make your hair limp and dull. The best solution to damaged hair is a haircut.
    © Queengnpwdrgelatine / Reddit
  • Those free quizzes that pop up in your feed (“What’s The Color of Your Aura?”) exist to collect marketing data on you. Even if they don’t ask for your email or try to sell something, most of the time they’re saving the answers you submit and using them to target advertisements to you later.
    © indifferentials / Reddit

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