Customer service

6 Tricks to Make a Customer Service Robot Connect You to a Real Human

6 Tricks to Make a Customer Service Robot Connect You to a Real Human
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

It is estimated that Americans spend a collective 900 million hours on hold every single year. This shows how people still choose phone calls as their preferred contact method for their various customer service issues. However, with so many robots being on the other end of the line, figuring out a solution isn’t always easy. That’s why we need to get creative and use tricks in order to get transferred to a real person.

A Pregnant Woman Wanted to Take My Airplane Seat, but I Refused

A Pregnant Woman Wanted to Take My Airplane Seat, but I Refused
6 months ago

In the busy world of air travel, surprises can turn a planned trip into a challenge. A reader shared a story about a confusing experience on a flight during the holidays, making us think about how we balance our comfort with being considerate to others while flying high in the sky.

I Didn’t Give Up My Airline Seat to a Pregnant Woman

I Didn’t Give Up My Airline Seat to a Pregnant Woman
6 months ago

In the bustling world of air travel, unexpected situations can quickly turn an anticipated journey into a battleground of conflicting interests. Recently, we received a letter from one of our readers recounting a perplexing experience aboard a flight during the holiday season, prompting a reflection on the delicate balance of personal comfort and social responsibility at 35,000 feet.

14 People Whose Actions Are Impossible to Figure Out

14 People Whose Actions Are Impossible to Figure Out
7 months ago

Retail workers, like store associates and shop assistants, interact with numerous customers every day. They strive to be friendly, polite, and helpful. However, not all customers reciprocate with the same level of courtesy. Sometimes, their requests and behaviors can leave others feeling confused and puzzled.

A Travel Expert Comments to Sparking Debate If a Lone Passenger Should Switch Seat So Family Can Sit Together

A Travel Expert Comments to Sparking Debate If a Lone Passenger Should Switch Seat So Family Can Sit Together
year ago

A recent TikTok video has captured the online community’s attention, igniting a fiery debate surrounding airplane etiquette. The viral clip features a solo traveler who found herself in a rather uncomfortable situation when she arrived at her assigned window seat, only to discover it already occupied by a mother with two children. This episode has prompted a substantial discussion within the travel industry, with experts offering their perspectives on whether a lone flyer should be obligated to accommodate a family while on a plane.

10 Viral Products That Aim to Rejuvenate Your Life

10 Viral Products That Aim to Rejuvenate Your Life
year ago

From taking a massage to doing a facial to brewing your favorite coffee, taking care of yourself can be vital to your health. Experts say that just 10-15 minutes of a small daily task is a wonderful start to cementing a self-care routine. Thankfully, these 10 products we gathered for you might be able to fit in that time frame.

You Can Be Suddenly Downgraded on a Flight, Here’s Why

You Can Be Suddenly Downgraded on a Flight, Here’s Why
11 months ago

You arrive at the airport, anticipating a pleasant flight — after all, you’ve paid more for that extra legroom! Or a comfy window seat. Or a business class. That’s when you find out you’ve been...downgraded!How come? And if you can get downgraded, is the opposite possible too? Then, what other secrets do airlines hide?

13 Stories That Show How Much Patience It Takes to Work in Customer Service

13 Stories That Show How Much Patience It Takes to Work in Customer Service
year ago

Working with the public can be quite a difficult thing to do, and you only learn how to do it from experience. Generally, you might be lucky enough to deal with nice people who like to be welcomed and go on their merry way. However, from time to time, some employees have to deal with rude people who have not had a good day and who are ready to take it out on anyone who crosses their path. Even if those who work with the public can manage to get out of the sticky situations they get put in, there is usually a good story in tow that makes it all worth it.

12 Marketing Tricks That Retail Stores Use to Make Us Buy More

12 Marketing Tricks That Retail Stores Use to Make Us Buy More

Retail employees possess certain skills that can make customers spend more money in a store without even realizing it. But these tricks stop working as soon as shoppers learn them. So, we would like to tell you about some marketing tricks that retail stores often use, and it’s worth keeping them in mind when you go shopping next time.

The 6 Best Home Laser Hair Removal Devices

The 6 Best Home Laser Hair Removal Devices
2 years ago

Getting rid of unwanted hair can be done by waxing or epilating, but it’s not always very comfortable or effective. Thankfully, in 2008, the very first laser hair removal device was approved by the FDA and there are now many proven and safe products out there to choose from. Some aren’t exactly cheap (though you can still find some on a budget), so it’s important to know all the facts before making a purchase.

15 Times Customers Created the Oddest Situations, Putting Everyone’s Patience to the Test

15 Times Customers Created the Oddest Situations, Putting Everyone’s Patience to the Test
year ago

It’s a known fact that working in customer service is not easy. Not only do they need to be patient and have stamina but they also need a good sense of humor, especially when people are asking for their money back for a product they’ve already eaten or when they ask for a pizza without the dough. There was also an instance where someone told their doctor that their pancreas didn’t exist.

12 Life Decisions That Deserve to Be Praised, not Shamed

12 Life Decisions That Deserve to Be Praised, not Shamed
2 years ago

As we grow older, we learn certain social norms that limit us over the years. This could make some “non-adult” things — like getting a college degree, remaining single, or starting a new project as an adult — seem strange to some. But times change, needs evolve, and nothing stays the same forever, so it’s time to start thinking of these things as something natural, regardless of a person’s age.

14 Startling Stories From Shop Assistants That Astonished Them to the Core

14 Startling Stories From Shop Assistants That Astonished Them to the Core
3 years ago

Retail associates and shop assistants communicate with hundreds of different people during the day and they have to be able to find a common language with each of them. They try to be sympathetic, polite, and correct. But not all of the clientele are as responsive in return and, oftentimes, they leave the workers in this sector perplexed and puzzled with their requests and behavior.

20 Fast Food Employees Who Deserve a Nobel Prize for Their Patience

20 Fast Food Employees Who Deserve a Nobel Prize for Their Patience
3 years ago

People who work in customer service or the fast-food industry sometimes have to go through some strange situations, to say the least. You’d think that the atmosphere of an establishment could clearly let customers know where they are, what they can and can’t order, and other basics. However, against all odds, that’s simply not the case. Some people go to McDonald’s to order sushi, while others head to Wendy’s to get KFC. But the good thing is, some of the employees who have to live these strange experiences recall them with some degree of humor and share them with everyone online so that we can all laugh together.

15 Inspiring Stories That Prove Everything in This Life Depends on Us

15 Inspiring Stories That Prove Everything in This Life Depends on Us
4 years ago

Perhaps, all of us have been in situations where we just wanted to give up. Parting with the love of your life, betrayal, job loss — all of them are unsettling. It’s hard to overcome them, but difficulties make us stronger, even if this sounds like a cliché. Because there is nothing in this world we can’t cope with.

15+ Users Shared the Craziest Demands From Their Clients

15+ Users Shared the Craziest Demands From Their Clients
4 years ago

Working in customer service is a serious matter, and whoever has worked as a waiter, a barista, or a store assistant knows this perfectly. There are some encounters with polite clients who have their feet firmly on the ground, but other clientele seems to see the world upside down and make crazy requests. This was brought up by a Twitter user who started a thread where people shared their most unusual customer service demands.

19 Things in Japan That Seem Either Wild or Genius but Definitely Not Boring

19 Things in Japan That Seem Either Wild or Genius but Definitely Not Boring
4 years ago

Everyone knows that Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries and that the general population has a very high level of education. The lifestyle of the local people and their traditions have an influence on how Japan appears to outsiders. In this country, you can try the most unusual foods, see how well-thought-out customer service is, and experience how high the level of safety and mutual trust is.