The UK’s Most Tattooed Mother Claims She’s Scary Without a Halloween Costume (Pics)

11 months ago

Tattoos used to cause arguments, especially between different age groups. But things are changing, and people now like body art more. Melissa Sloan is a mom who had a funny experience because of her tattoos — someone thought she was a bank robber. Let’s find out how she deals with what others think and hear her thoughts on stereotypes.

Melissa has faced a lot of criticism because of her tattooed look.

Melissa Sloan, 46, is from Wales in the United Kingdom. She used to work cleaning toilets, but now she’s having a hard time finding a similar job. This is because she has tattoo art all over her face and body. Unfortunately, people judge her based on her tattoos, affecting her search for paid work.

“I can’t get a job,” Sloan says in her interview. “I applied for a job cleaning toilets where I live, and they won’t have me because of my tattoos.”

The mother-of-2 is absolutely puzzled by people’s criticism.

Melissa genuinely doesn’t understand why people care so much about her tattoos. “People have said I have never had a job in my life, but I have had one once, and it didn’t last long,” she says. “If someone offered me a job tomorrow, I would go and work — I would take that offer.”

Melissa began getting tattoos at 20, which became a big interest for her. She especially loves face tattoos; now, her entire face is covered in them. She’s even covered up her old tattoos three times, creating a layered artwork on her face.

Despite all the challenges, she’s determined to hold onto her passion.

Even though she’s having a tough time finding work, Melissa keeps getting at least 3 new tattoos every week. “If I make it to 70, I’ll still be getting them,” she said. “Every bit of skin will be covered even if I’m turning blue, my face is already turning blue — I look like a Smurf.”

She’s also excluded from Halloween parties because people think she’s ’too scary.’

In an exclusive interview, Melissa remarked that people often tell her she doesn’t need a costume because they find her appearance scary. She noted that they might not truly know her, but she chooses to overlook such comments since there’s nothing she can do about it. Melissa intends to carry on with her passion for getting more tattoos.

Melissa mentioned that she has never been invited to a Halloween party, even though she would love to attend one. She believes her presence would likely startle the guests when she walks in the door.

Despite the criticism about her appearance, Melissa is determined to come up with a costume idea. She expressed her interest in purchasing a Freddy Krueger mask to cover her ’scary’ face.

If you like stories about people challenging stereotypes, here’s another one for you. Learn about a doctor covered in tattoos who showed that appearances don’t prevent anyone from being a skilled professional.


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