My Brother Excluded My Son Out of His Child-Free Wedding but Invited His Little Cousins

Seeing your parents grow old and unable to care for themselves is a natural part of life. The roles reverse, and the care they once provided you becomes your responsibility now. However, when this duty falls to a spouse instead of their children, it can create additional challenges.
“My husband of 16 years asked me if I would be willing to care for his mother, and I told him no. My husband asked why not and I told him the truth. We never got along, she has always been passive-aggressive towards me. I have been told that it is a thing many mothers do when no one is good enough for their child. We are civil towards one another that is the best we can do.
My husband even dared to bring up the fact that he supported me when I took care of my dad who had cancer. I told him the situation was different because he offered I did not ask, I also had other family members that were helping. He is an only child and has no one else so everything will mostly fall on my shoulders since he does work long hours we are talking sometimes 12 to 18-hour days. Last week alone he worked 84 hours.”
“I told him I understood it may seem unfair but the situations are different, I had support on my head when it came to caring for my dad. I will have nearly zero support. Yes, he has offered to pay extra support but that will just eat into our budget. We are currently trying to save for a house, and I am currently not working as I am in school trying to finish up my degree. Took time off from teaching to care for my dad, and after he passed I did not want to go back to teaching. So ATM I am in my third year of my engineering degree. I do not wish to put that on hold either taking care of his mother.
After I explained all of this my husband just left and has not returned any of my phone calls. I spoke with my mom, but she was not far from helpful. She found it silly that I even went to school in the first place. Got me thinking am I wrong for not wanting to put my own goals and life on hold again for a sick parent?”
A daughter-in-law, happily married, finds her relationship strained by her mother-in-law’s possessive behavior. She shared her story online, detailing the family tensions and seeking advice from others who have faced similar situations, capturing the drama that could be a plot for a novel or movie. Read more here.