“I’m a Better Parent at 60,” Brigitte Nielsen Got Candid On Rediscovering Parental Bliss At a Later Age

10 months ago

The actress, model, and singer Brigitte Nielsen has steadfastly charted her course, unswayed by societal norms. At 60, she thrives in her personal life, accompanied by her loving husband and their 5-year-old daughter. Nielsen’s journey emphasizes that motherhood is defined by love, not age. In a candid interview, Brigitte Nielsen opens up about her unique journey to rediscovering parental bliss at a later stage in life.

She already has 4 adult sons.

Brigitte herself once admitted, “I’ve had some strange men in my life.” In fact, the multi-talented Danish artist has had quite a busy love life and has tied the knot 5 times.

Her first marriage was with a Danish composer at the age of 20, and they have a son together. The relationship lasted 1 year, and her son, who is 37 today, was raised mainly by his dad.

At 22, Brigitte walked down the aisle with the Hollywood star Sylvester Stallone, who was nearly twice her age. She revealed that she suffered from facing assumptions that she married him for money. She said, “They didn’t understand that he begged me to marry him. He begged me!” 2 years later, however, the pair called it quits.


5 years after the separation, in 1990, the actress married her third husband. But the marriage only lasted for 2 years. The couple didn’t have any kids, however, right before they tied the knot, she gave birth to another son with her ex-fiancé. He is now 33.

In 1993, the then-30-year-old married for the fourth time. Her husband was a race car driver, and they have 2 sons together. Their union lasted for a while, but the pair eventually went their separate ways 12 years later. Their sons are now 29 and 27.

Finally finding THE ONE


Mrs. Nielsen was 40, going through a messy divorce, and wasn’t really looking for love, yet it came knocking at her door. She met Mattia Dessi, an Italian model who was 25 then, yet their 15-year age gap couldn’t stand in the way of their attraction. It was love at first sight, and Brigitte explained, “Mattia walked in, and I literally fell off my chair.”

Mattia didn’t just sweep her off her feet; he also saved her. She admitted that before meeting him, her life was “rock and roll.” However, the Italian model confessed that he adored her, yet he couldn’t cope with her chaotic lifestyle. So, to preserve their love, Brigitte had to straighten up her act and lead a healthy lifestyle just like him. She said, “I’m a different person, and that has much to do with my husband.”

Struggling to become a mom again

The enamored couple who tied the knot in 2006 wanted to build a family together more than anything. Yet Brigitte, who was in her 40s, had to face serious challenges this time. Soon after meeting her fifth husband, she started planning for their future together by starting to freeze her eggs at age 40. However, doctors gave her only a minuscule 3 to 4% chance of conceiving.

Nielsen noted that her journey to motherhood was “such a long road.” But the couple didn’t give up despite all the hardships, as they were strongly determined to start a family together. After more than 10 long years of undergoing in vitro fertilization treatments, Brigitte finally got pregnant at 54. Needless to say, the husband and wife, who had been married for 12 years at this point, were happy.

And in June 2018, the Danish star gave birth to her long-awaited baby girl. She revealed that baby Frida has brought them even closer to each other and that the first-time dad is ’’a natural.’’

face to face/FaceToFace/REPORTER/East News

Breaking the taboo of late motherhood

Becoming a mom at 54 can be shocking to many, and Nielsen is well aware of this. However, she deeply believes that late motherhood should be normalized by society. The actress noted that men don’t receive the same criticism when they become dads later in life.

Talking about her late pregnancy, she says that when people say, “You were 54,” she replies, “Yeah, well, what about all the men who are in their 60s, 70s, 80s.” She noted, “Some women think, ’Oh my God, I’m too old.’ Well, yeah, I can understand people saying, ’How dare she?’” She added, “But how many men have their first kids in their 60s and 70s, and they never doubt it?”

She also revealed, “I get a lot of letters and emails from women who are so excited that I’ve given them the courage.”

Nielsen shares her insights on being a mother at 60

Brigitte says there’s no such thing as ‘too old,’ draws parallels with older fathers, and emphasizes the advantages of mature parenting. “We don’t say that to men with children in their 60s, 70s, or even 80s!” She adds, “Look at Robert De Niro. He’s 79, and he has a 7-month-old.”

Nielsen asserts that her seasoned perspective enhances her parenting style, providing extra love and patience. As she prioritizes her daughter over previous commitments, Nielsen shares her surprising discovery of feeling less tired, embracing the unique joys of motherhood.

“You know how kids say grandmothers are the best? I feel like I have that mindset and emotion. I have the patience and extra love to give now, and I think it’s because I’m a grandmother’s age.” She adds, “When I was a younger mom, I often juggled being single, on a plane, on a movie set. Now Frida comes first.”

Indeed, Nielsen contends that her wisdom and age make her a better parent.

Brigitte Nielsen’s candid revelations prove that motherhood at a later age also has benefits. Nielsen’s parenting journey challenges societal norms, demonstrating that a mother is ready to give love at any age.


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