Every Night Is a Nightmare Because My Husband Doesn’t Let Me Sleep

In some cases, marital problems don’t start until a couple gets into bed, which is what we’re exploring today. This situation involves a reader that suffers from the sleeping habits of her husband. According to the woman, her hubby, the person she loves most in the world, is disturbing her sleep, making it impossible for her to get a good night’s rest.

We at Bright Side received this letter from one of our readers. She describes her situation as fatiguing and impossible to cope with. Since she’s looking for life-saving advice, we hope we can help her find a solution to the problem.

Dear reader, thank you for your letter! The Bright Side team got together to discuss this situation, and here is the best advice we could come up with.

  • First, try to talk calmly to your husband about it — you mentioned in your letter that you argue with your husband about it. The thing is, it’s not going to work that way. Explain to him calmly what he does and how it makes it very difficult for you to rest at night. But whatever you do, avoid blaming him for the situation.
  • Don’t get angry at him — you said in your letter that he doesn’t remember any of it. It’s not something he can control, and we can’t really blame him for that. Have an honest conversation with him, but try not to see him as the problem.
  • Ask your husband if he sleeps well. It’s very important to know if your husband sleeps well with all the movements that he makes at night. If not, there might be something else going on that is the root of the problem. We recommend seeing a doctor and talking about it to find a solution.
  • Opt for bed surfaces that are known to isolate motion: there are types of mattresses with a polyfoam support core and a memory foam comfort system that provides isolated compression for a stable sleep surface.
  • Establish a pillow wall: put some pillows between the 2 of you to separate your side of the bed from his. He’ll probably get closer to the pillows and then get back to his side of the bed without reaching you.
  • Use separate beds in your room: you’ll be able to sleep in the same room as your husband but in different beds close to each other. In fact, there has been a study claiming that sleeping in separate beds can actually make your relationship stronger. However, if you opt for this solution, make time for intimacy and time together. Cuddle with your husband in one of the beds before sleeping.

We hope these words of advice will fix the problem and that you’ll enjoy your sleep at night while still being intimate with your husband.

What would you do if you were in the reader’s shoes? We’d love to know about it in the comments!

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