Julia Roberts Honors Her Husband’s 55th Birthday, but People Are Mentioning This Other Woman

8 months ago

Married since 2002, Julia Roberts and Danny Moder stand out as a rare and enduring Hollywood couple. On her husband’s 55th birthday, the Pretty Woman star shared an intimate photo of them with heartfelt wishes. While fans expressed warm words, some couldn’t help but recall how the couple’s relationship began.

The 56-year-old actress shared a cozy photo with her husband, Danny, to mark his 55th birthday on Wednesday. She captioned the post, “Happy Birthday to this amazing man who lights up our world.” The message was accompanied by sparkling emojis, lightning bolts, and a hashtag mentioning his birthdate, “131.”

The endearing photo showcases Julia cozied up to her spouse, sharing tender glances with each other.

Many fans were quick to shower this gorgeous couple with their love as the post gathered over 700,000 likes on Roberts’ Instagram.

The media widely spread her affectionate gesture, and although many admire the enduring nature of this couple’s story, some have raised questions about the beginning of their romance and Danny Moder’s first wife, makeup artist Vera Steimberg.

One person commented, “They broke up a marriage for each other,” while another expressed support for Vera, saying, “Team Vera.” A third person added, “I bet he used to light up Vera’s world too.”

We love how this beautiful couple still appears to be completely enamored with each other after more than 20 years of marriage. And just last year, Julia described Danny as the ’captain of our ship’ during a TV appearance.

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart are another well-known couple who have been married for many years, reinforcing our belief in happily ever after.


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