Kylie Jenner Shuts Down Rumors That She’s Had Too Much Surgery on Her Face

year ago

Kylie Jenner managed to turn her looks into a makeup empire. And her flawless appearance may have raised speculations about which cosmetic procedures she’s gone through. But the reality TV star sets the record straight in a recent interview, where she finally shares what she has done — or hasn’t done — to her face.

The makeup mogul clarified that she is not as plastic as everyone thinks.

Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP / East News, © kyliejenner / Instagram, © kyliejenner / Instagram

“I think a big misconception about me is that I’ve had so much surgery on my face and that I was some insecure person, and I really wasn’t,” Jenner said.

In a previous interview, she also mentioned how she feels about cosmetic surgery. “People think I fully went under the knife and completely reconstructed my face, which is completely false. I’m terrified! I would never.”

Jenner, who is also the owner of a multi-million-dollar makeup brand, said that it is possible to achieve her look without plastic surgery. “They don’t understand what good hair and makeup and fillers can really do.”

“Makeup is something that makes me feel empowered, makes me feel good, and I think it’s such a positive thing. There’s no harm in playing around with it and feeling good about yourself.”

She did admit to having lip fillers when she was younger.


Jenner’s trademark pouty lips are not something she was born with. She recalled that, as a child, she was the most confident person, but she had one major insecurity — her lips.

It took her a while to openly speak about it, but in a 2015 episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, she admitted to getting temporary lip fillers. “It was the best thing I’ve ever done. I don’t regret it. But I always thought I was cute.” In 2018 however, Jenner revealed she’s gotten rid of all her fillers.

Jenner also shared that motherhood has made her feel more beautiful.

Jenner is a proud mom to 5-year-old Stormi, and 1-year-old Aire. She said having children gave her a newfound appreciation for her own features. “It’s made me love myself more. I see my features in my daughter and my son now.”

“My daughter looks like me. I get to see my beauty in her. Beauty is always changing for me,” she added.

Apart from Kylie Jenner, there are many other celebrities who have decided not to go under the knife for the sake of beauty. Find out who they are in these articles:

Preview photo credit Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP / East News, kyliejenner / Instagram


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