My Husband’s Female Friend Is Living With Us and She Made Me Regret My Hospitality

7 months ago

For many couples it’s a normal thing when one or both of the spouses have friends of opposite gender. For our today’s protagonist, however, the presence of her husband’s female friend in their house has become a real challenge. The act of hospitality cost her and her husband their smooth relationship and has put her happy marriage at big risk. The frustrated woman shared her story with us, and she asked our readers for some advice about her absolutely crazy family situation.

Andrea has shared her story with us.

Andrea, a 35-year-old woman, has been our devoted reader for a long time now. The woman wrote to us and confessed that she has always loved to give advice to people who share their stories with us. But she has never thought that one day, she’d be the person who will need advice so badly, because the situation that she faced in her family life, is far from ordinary and the desperate woman just doesn’t know how to solve the problem that has appeared recently.

Andrea opened her letter, saying, “Hi dear Bright Side! I need opinions of your readers and some good pieces of advice from people who will not remain indifferent about my serious problem. My husband, Paul, is 43. I love him more than anything, and we have a very stable and happy relationship.
Paul has a female friend, Miranda, with whom they’ve been very close for over 15 years now. I’ve never felt insecure about their relationship, because this has always been a close bond without any romantic interest. Miranda is a businesswoman, and she’s been extremely successful in her career, but her private life has recently become a huge failure. This is when all problems for my own family began.”

Paul and Andrea welcomed Miranda in their house very warmly.

Andrea goes on with her story, saying, "2 months ago, Miranda went through a very painful and very scandalous divorce with her husband of 9 years. He cheated on her multiple times and was a very narcissistic and toxic man. She had been suffering a lot during past 3 years before she finally made a decision to break up with him and start a new life. When her divorce was in the process, she found out many shocking things about her ex, and it made the whole experience for her even more heartbreaking.
Paul and I couldn’t ignore her state, and we made a decision that in the end turned out to be ruinous for our own family. We suggested Miranda to live with us, in our house, until she recovers from her pain and brings her life in order again. She happily agreed, she was very grateful and seemed the sweetest person on earth. Up until, she made herself at home in our place."

"Starting from the day one, she began criticizing me for everything. She said she cannot eat the meals I cook, her face showing the disgust as if she was being served a rotten egg. I must say I’m not the best cook on earth, for sure, but my culinary skills are quite good and Paul and his other friends usually praised me for the delicious treats I prepared for them.
I thought that Miranda behaved in such a nasty way because of an immense stress that she was having, but things went even more unhealthy when she started demonstratively cleaning our house, saying that we live in a very dirty place and that she found it annoying and disgusting. I was fuming because I’ve never been an untidy person and her behavior and remarks hurt me. Paul remained extremely diplomatic all the time and only asked me to be more patient with her, which I did, but this could not last forever."

Miranda went too far in her annoying behavior.

Andrea shared, "Recently, Miranda caused a huge scandal between me and Paul. On that day, I was visiting my parents, and I was absent for almost half a day, so she and Paul were at home together.
When I got back home, I saw an appalling scene that made me feel sick in the stomach. Miranda was cooking something in our kitchen, wearing some revealing lingerie. Paul was sitting in the kitchen, talking to her, as if nothing was happening, and he was staring at her in that lingerie. I could feel this spark between them, and it was disgusting."

"I asked them what was going on there, and Paul said that nothing special, they were just chatting. Miranda looked at me and said that if I don’t like her outfit then I don’t understand what being feminine means, and she said that I must spend more time on myself because I “look like a neglected housewife.”
This was the last straw for me, and I asked her to pack her things and leave our house immediately. But the reaction of my husband killed me. He said that I must listen to what Miranda was saying and that she wanted only the best for me, he insisted that her advice would help me fight my insecurities and be a better person. I was totally shocked, and I argued with my husband very hard, probably for the first time during our marriage."

Andrea is frustrated about the whole situation, but she made a decision that she will stand by.

The woman shared, "I was totally desperate that my husband didn’t protect me from the nasty behavior of this absolutely horrible woman. I totally believe that he must have put his family first, not his friendship, no matter how precious it was for him. I was so hurt, but I didn’t let the situation break me, I decided to take my small revenge on my husband and his nasty friend."

"So, what I’m going to do now is invite one of my best friends to live with us for a month. This is a male friend, and he will eagerly help me in fulfilling my plan. So, when he moves in with us, he’ll behave exactly the way Miranda did all this time. I want to show Paul how horrible his indifference was and how wrong of him it was to ignore the attempts of this woman to humiliate me in my own house.
I want to teach him a lesson and make him taste his own medicine. But I’m not sure I need to do this, because I’m afraid that after this our marriage will totally fall apart. But I can’t leave things as they are, and I feel very hurt. What should I do?"

And here's a story of a woman who wants her own daughter to stay away from her and her home. She had to make a tough decision to kick her daughter out of her house despite her being pregnant and having 6 kids. Read more to find out what was the last straw that made a desperate mom ask her own daughter to move away as soon as possible.


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