My Infertile Sister Wants to Adopt One of My Kids, but I Refuse

There’s a well-known saying that goes, “Blood is thicker than water.” Although this is true, sometimes there are exceptions in which we understand that sharing blood is not synonymous with sharing love. Such is the case of these sisters, who fought for a reason that seems like something out of a soap opera.

The support of some users

  • You need to move somewhere that she doesn’t have the address. It’s very likely that it will not stop here, but it will escalate and get horrible. I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with that insanity. © lyruhhh / Reddit
  • What an utterly ridiculous request. Who on earth would willingly hand their baby over to a relative upon request? You were simply giving Mia a dose of reality. © RoyallyOakie / Reddit
  • What’s wrong with the part of your family telling you to give up YOUR OWN CHILD?! It’s not a doll that you can give away without a problem, it’s a child! © Geeky_daydreamer / Reddit
  • I’m sorry, but the fact that she’d ask for one of your twins just proves she’s not in a healthy mental state to raise children. No sane person asks that. Some people might say it was going too far to mention it, but until she acknowledges the level of crazy she’s going to over her infertility and gets help for it, she will never reach a mental state fit enough for raising kids. I’d also seriously be questioning whether or not any family members who are siding with her get to have anything to do with your babies. They’re just as insane. © RedoubtableSouth / Reddit

While our family is supposed to support us in our daily lives, the reality is that in every family there are conflicts. It is more frequent than we think, and it often happens that people in our circle go too far. Whether it is because of conflicting opinions or money issues, many relatives have problems. The important thing is to maintain healthy relationships.

Preview photo credit Ovid Burke / Pexels


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