Relationship Guru Says It’s Okay for Your Man to Be Attracted to Other Women, and the Comments Are Heated

11 months ago

In the ever-evolving landscape of relationships, a prominent relationship guru recently stirred up a storm by sharing her unconventional perspective on attraction. According to her, it’s perfectly acceptable for your partner to be attracted to other people. The statement, while intriguing, has sparked intense debates and polarized opinions across TikTok.

A recent video by Casiah West, a prominent relationship guru, has ignited a heated debate on the nature of jealousy in romantic relationships. West, in a TikTok video that has since gone viral, boldly claimed, “You just can’t get jealous when your man is attracted to another woman.” This provocative statement has spurred intense reactions, creating a buzz that reverberates through the core of modern relationships.

West’s argument delves into the intricacies of human evolution, emphasizing the primal instincts that drive attraction. “The shapes of a woman’s body signal to a man’s brain that this creature can support a human child,” she explained. “It is just a biological response embedded in all of us to ensure the survival of the human race.”

According to West, comprehending this phenomenon from an evolutionary perspective diminishes the power of jealousy. “The ability to see it this way completely takes the power away from that attraction. As long as they’re not taking action on that attraction, then there’s no reason for you to have to feel jealousy.

In the wake of Casiah West’s provocative statement on relationships, the digital sphere erupted with a flurry of passionate responses, revealing a spectrum of viewpoints that highlights the complexities of human emotions. One commenter aptly remarked, “You don’t look at the menu unless you’re hungry,” encapsulating the natural instinct to observe attractive individuals in our surroundings.

However, an opposing perspective emerged, challenging this notion of wandering eyes. A vehement disagreement arose, with one man passionately asserting, “As a man, once you are with a woman you love and who is your dream woman, you don’t look at any other woman.

For some, the discussion delved into the biological realm, where one commenter noted, “It’s a biological response for me to detach.” Another woman shares, “It is absolutely true biologically. But, it doesn’t make it better because then fidelity seems futile, and you’re left hoping he doesn’t act on it.

Amidst the discourse, a touch of humor found its way into the conversation. One wife humorously questioned, “Explain that to my husband when my brain tells me the ’shape’ of another man could get me pregnant.

While the debate primarily centered around male behavior, some critical commenters raised a crucial point: “Why don’t people talk about women’s biological response during ovulation?

Amidst the diverse opinions, a consensus emerged on the importance of respect within relationships. One commenter noted, “That’s true biologically, but he shouldn’t stare; it’s respect for the relationship and you.

While the discussion on relationships keeps evolving, a new viral debate is taking the internet by storm. Let’s confront the age-old debate of natural beauty versus societal standards. Witness a TikToker’s fearless call-out to women who embrace their bare faces telling them to “grow up”. The reactions? Mind-boggling. Get ready for an eye-opening exploration into self-expression and acceptance.


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