15 Pics That Feel Like Completing a Puzzle

Yahav Draizin is an Israeli photographer and artist who lives in Tel Aviv. He produces creative photos by merging everyday objects with images on his phone, and it’s incredible. He uses his smartphone to bring these photos to life, and he does it brilliantly!
Here at Bright Side, we have collected some of Yahav’s best photos for you to check out.
He aligns a photo on his phone with an object, place, or person to create a distinctive, fully different image. Then, by using another camera, he takes the entire picture. As a result, the photograph depicts a real-life object that is artistically matched with an image on his phone, especially cartoon images.
His imagination is limitless, and fresh ideas are constantly popping into his head. His creativity appears to have no bounds, and he appears to delight his fans with each new post he uploads.
Which one of these photos surprised you with the creativity behind it? Tell us what you think this artist should take photos of next in the comment section.