We Make Our Daughter Pay Rent After She Didn’t Go to College

Family & kids
4 hours ago

Erika and Cody Archie, a Texas rancher couple, sparked a lively debate when they decided to ask their 19-year-old daughter, Kylee Deason, to pay $200 a month after she opted out of college. The Archies’ approach to modern parenting has ignited a spectrum of opinions among their social media followers and divided the internet.

In May 2022, Kylee graduated from high school, and by June 1, just two weeks later, she was already paying rent to her parents. This decision stirred a divide among their followers, sparking a debate on the most effective ways for parents to impart financial maturity to their children. According to Cody: “Our thought together is that since [Kylee] has graduated I told her... I been telling her, “June the first, our rent’s due if you continue to live here.” He continued, “200 bucks a month is plenty cheap to live like a grub in your parents’ house.”

Erika also added, “That’s cheaper than she eats in food. We think it teaches them a good lesson in paying bills.” Many fans agreed, with one comment saying, “My mother did. I chose not to go to college but I did get a job. I was expected to pay rent and I didn’t begrudge her at all. It’s what should happen.” Another said, “I paid $100 a month, then my parents gave it back to me as a wedding present. It real helped to get started.”

However, everyone didn’t agree with the couple’s methods and disagreed with this move: “You decided to have a child...not the other way around. Where else would they go if they didn’t reside home with you?” Another comment reflected a common attitude: “My mother made me pay 500/month to live at home with her, and this was 20 years ago. She never returned the money to me and the only thing it accomplished was filled me with resentment and put me at a deficit.”
Despite the divided comments, many were in support of the couple and thought this to be a valuable lesson for their children.

Sometimes parents have to make difficult choices because of their love for their children despite any criticism. These parents of a daughter born with a rare birthmark faced criticism for sending her to surgery to have it removed.


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