What Might Happen If You Drink 2 Cups of Coffee a Day

2 years ago

While some people can’t have caffeine without feeling jittery, many can’t go through a day without their favorite cup of java. Although drinking too much coffee can have some unpleasant side effects, the right amount of coffee can do wonders for your health. Medical experts believe that 2 to 3 cups a day is the perfect amount that’ll allow you to reap the most health benefits.

Here at Bright Side, we can’t imagine a day without our morning espresso and a delicious cappuccino at lunch. That’s why we decided to find out how it can affect our health.

1. It’s good for your kidneys.

In addition to waking you up in the morning, coffee might help you prevent various kidney-related conditions. Studies have shown that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per day can help reduce the risk of acute kidney injury when the kidneys suddenly lose all or part of their function. Researchers believe that certain bioactive compounds in coffee improve oxygen utilization in the kidneys, helping them work more efficiently.

2. It might benefit your heart.

Although coffee might make your heart rate faster, drinking it in moderation can actually reduce your risk of developing a stroke. Enjoying 1 to 2 cups of black coffee every day is beneficial to your cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart failure. But be sure your cup of java is caffeinated — in fact, opting for decaf might lead to some unpleasant health consequences.

3. It could add years to your life.

While drinking too much coffee may have quite dangerous side effects, the right amount of it might work the other way around. That’s because having 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day can keep your heart healthy, so it might actually help you live longer.

4. It can make your skin glow.

Following a skincare routine and using the right products can help you achieve a flawless complexion, and drinking coffee might be a habit your skin will thank you for. This is due to the fact that coffee is high in antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory compounds, so it may protect your skin from harmful free radicals and help you maintain youthful, glowing skin for longer.

How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? What’s the most coffee you’ve had in a day?

Preview photo credit Misha Beliy / Shutterstock.com


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