I am 26 but I already have lots of gray hair. I don't think it's something to be shy about.
Why Your Hair Might Be Turning Gray at a Young Age
If you think you’re the only one whose hair has turned gray early, you’re wrong. Early graying is a common thing and while it may be unpleasant, it can also be a sign of an underlying condition.
Bright Side dug deeper to find out about what might be causing fast graying in young adults and would like to share what we learned with our readers.
You might have a vitamin B12 deficiency.
There might be a lingering thyroid issue.
Your thyroid issues directly affect your hair follicles, according to research. If you’re experiencing early gray hair or abnormalities like brittle or greasy hair, it could be due to thyroid dysfunction.
You consume more junk than healthy food.
Not following a healthy diet can contribute to you getting those extra strands of gray. Various studies done on the matter have found that ferritin, calcium, vitamin D-3, copper, zinc, and iron can keep your hair healthy — whereas a lack of them can lead to early white hair.
You constantly worry about things and stress out.
Early gray hair has been linked to stress by experts. Being stressed out affects the stem cells that are responsible for the regeneration of your hair, leading to graying before it’s the right time.
You might have inherited them.
Yes, you might inherit those white hairs from your parents and grandparents. According to dermatologists, our genetics play a huge role in determining when we go gray. If someone in your family tree had gray hair early on, there’s a possibility that you might experience the same thing.
You may use hair products with chemicals and harmful dyes.
From shampoos to hair dyes, most hair products can lead to gray hair. Harmful chemicals present in them decrease the melanin level, ultimately making your hair lose its natural color.
Here’s what you can do to prevent it
- Protect your hair from sun damage. Cover your head whenever you go out, if possible.
- Avoid curling irons and hair dryers. Comb using a wide hairbrush.
- Massage your hair with coconut oil regularly.
- Include cabbage, kale, almonds, carrot juice, and broccoli in your diet.
Would you rather cover your grays or flaunt them like a diva?
I always thought it was because it ran in the family but I was always super stressed and ate a lot of junk food
I have it a lot but I don't really mind it... I think it looks pretty sweet to have a few silver hairs :D
I think gray hairs look really cool tho, there are loads of people who don't want them and dye their hair as soon as they start going gray... I don't think I will
my cousin sister is 15 and she has gray hair, now I know some of the reasons why

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