12 Sculptures So Detailed They Might Just Come to Life

3 years ago

Turns out, with enough talent, even stone can be turned into something as delicate as a feather. Some artists are so incredibly good at their job that their sculptures look so realistic you’ll have to touch them to make sure they aren’t.

Bright Side has chosen 12 such masterpieces for our audience to feast their eyes on.

1. “Departure” by George Lundeen

2. “’Olympe”, inspired by Cara Delevingne, by Aspencrow

3. “Serene” by Dmitriy

4. “Disillusion” by Francesco Queirolo

5. “Trans ī re” by Fredrik Raddum

6. This woolen bird sculpture by a Redditor

7. “The Force of Nature II” by Lorenzo Quinn

8. “King Nyani” by Gillie and Marc Schattner

9. “Gallos”, inspired by the legend of King Arthur, by Rubin Eynon

10. “The Swimmer” by Stefanie Rocknak

11. “Boy” by Ron Mueck

12. “The Veiled Virgin” by Giovanni Strazza

Which of the sculptures on our list do you think looks the most realistic?


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