A Russian Artist Turns Dirt Into Works of Art. Warning: Now You May Want to Get Your Vehicle Vandalized

2 years ago

You see a dirty car, this artist from Russia Nikita Gokubev sees a potential blank canvas. He is an artist who has the potential to turn dirt into a masterpiece. He got his inspiration from the polluted and dusty streets of Moscow. More of his art can be seen on his Instagram page.

Bright Side certainly does not want you to miss these pieces of art and so we chose some if his best work.

14. Say no to pollution.

13. Don’t fight, make your day bright.

12. Fly high like a pro.

11. This shows, “how tiny we are in the scale of time.”

10. When you have so many empty hands.

9. Surf like no one is watching.

8. Always blossom like these flowers.

7. “King for a day”

6. Pray every day.

5. Someone is watching you all the time. So be a good human being.

4. “Freedom lies in being bold.”

3. Hopeful eyes

2. Quit smoking today.

1. Everyone must go hand in hand to bring the change.

These are the visions of this artist, what do you think about them? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. We’d love hear back from you.


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