My dad seems to never pay much attention to me and my life, but if I fall ill he is the first to always come with fresh fruits, medicamentation and warm SOCKS ?
I think this is so sweet!
People Posted the Sweetest Stories They Shared With Their Dads
Family & kids
5 years ago
Fathers have a unique way of understanding life. Their wits combined with the deep love they feel for us as their children, grant us with moving scenes that we’re lucky to capture in photographs, at least sometimes. They’re experts in good humor, yet also in dedication and passion for life. They’re capeless superheroes.
Bright Side collected some of these shots to illustrate the many things that fathers mean in their children’s lives.
1. “Today I took my Dad to Costco to buy a laptop for him, and the Costco person helping us recognized him — he was a patient of his when he was a kid (my Dad is a pediatrician). We also encountered a second patient while we were waiting in line. Proud of the lives he’s touched.”
2. “When I was 2, I gave my Dad a stuffed beluga whale to keep in his work bag so that if he ever missed me, he could hold it and think of me. 18 years later, my Dad has just informed me he still brings my beluga whale to work with him every day.”
3. “My brother was the first to graduate with a Master’s in my family. My dad couldn’t stop crying.”
4. “Went to my parents’ house today. My dad labeled his phone.”
5. “My dad meeting my son for the first time yesterday. I’ve never seen my dad so happy. Feels real good, man.”
6. “My Dad (79) went from ’I don’t want that dang cat’ to carrying her to ’her room’ for bed each night.”
7. “My dad the artist — going through a midlife crisis after a rough year and divorce, he decided to switch things up with his painting style. I love it.”
8. “When I was 5, I gave my dad a ’ring’ made of just a keychain ring. 22 years later, he’s still wearing it.”
9. “My dad is passionate about Japanese gardens and built one in our backyard. Thought you guys might enjoy it as well :)”
10. “My dad built a ramp so our 20-year-old cat can still get into the bed.”
11. “My dad took my daughter fishing last summer. This is the only picture he posted.”
12. “Dad goes after the monster in the closet”
13.“Dad using video chat for the first time, holding the phone up to his ear...”
14. “After a year and a half of fighting in court, I just won custody of my 2 boys (6 and 4). So, I got them each to say, ’Daddy, I love you’ for my first tattoo.”
15. “My dad’s Facebook story”
16. “The man that saved me from a life of foster care. Happy Father’s Day!”
17. “Father of the year award goes to this gentleman who was taking a very excited boy to the movies.”
18. Who else could give the best pedicure?
19. “My dad’s first look at my baby sister in her wedding dress. He is normally a tough guy. This hit us all in the feelings.”
20. “My dad is a college professor. When one of his student’s babysitters didn’t show, she had to take her 4-month-old daughter to class. She started to get fussy, so he did what any good dad would do. They spent almost the entire class like this!”
21. “Happy Father’s Day to the man who chose to be my father when he didn’t have to.”
22. “Proud of my 72-year-old father! After 215 hours, he finally beat his first console game ever, The Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild!”
23. “So my dad draws pictures on his iPad, but never shares them anywhere. I couldn’t help but share this one he drew of my nephew.”
24. “My dad and I used to get milkshakes together all the time. This is my daughter and I sharing our first milkshake together.”
What fond memories do you share with your dad? Tell us in the comments!
Preview photo credit tripdiesel91 / Reddit
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All those dads and pets stories are just about my dad. He also didn't want our dog but they are best friends ever since ?
So fun to watch my dad taking care of him

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