30-Second Tests That’ll Show if You Have a Healthy Body

8 months ago

It is recommended that you get a complete physical check-up every 3 years. But you can try some quick tests at home for your peace of mind between the check-ups. These will only take about 30 seconds and give you a slight idea of whether everything is okay with your body.

1. Squeeze the roots of your nail firmly.

With your right thumb and index finger, put pressure on the top part of your left hands’ fingers by squeezing the roots of nails. Start with your thumb and hold for 3-5 seconds. After that, proceed to other fingers and repeat the same.

After you remove the pressure, blood should come rushing back in no more than 2 seconds. If it does, your body has sufficient blood flow. Your fingers are closely connected to your internal organs, and if the above test was painful for you, there might be something wrong.

2. Clench your hand into a fist.

For this test, make a fist and hold your hand in the same position. After 30 seconds, open your fist, and you will notice that your palm has turned white. When you make a fist, your blood vessels get squeezed, restricting the blood flow to your hand.

If after you free your hand, the blood comes rushing back, it means your blood vessels are working just fine, and you are healthy. On the other hand, if it takes a while for the palm to turn back to its usual red again, it can be a sign of a problem, and it is best to talk to a doctor about it.

3. Stretch your butt muscles.

  • Lie down comfortably with your face facing the floor.
  • Keep both of your arms straight by your side.
  • Keep your left leg flat and slowly raise your right leg up.
  • Bend your leg at the knee and hold this position for 30 seconds.

If you do this successfully, your body is healthy. But, if the test was painful for you, you might have a problem with your gluteus maximus, one of the strongest muscles in your body.

4. Hold your legs up for 30 seconds.

  • Lie down, facing the floor.
  • Keep your arms straight by your side on the ground.
  • Lift both of your legs up, while keeping your body still.
  • Hold this position for 30-35 seconds.

If you were able to do the above without twitching your legs or moving them, your body is healthy. On the other hand, if you found this task to be really difficult, there might be something wrong with your abdomen or lower spine.

5. Lift your upper body up and stay still.

  • Lie down comfortably with your body against the floor.
  • Lift only your upper body, including your hands, up slightly.
  • Hold this position for 30-35 seconds.

If you pass this test without difficulty, your body is healthy. If you fail, there might be a problem with your spine.

Please, keep in mind these tests are not an alternative to actual tests done by a professional, but only a quick self-check that you can conduct at home. If you are having any troublesome symptoms, don’t delay in consulting a doctor.

Here are some quick stretches you can do daily to relax your body.


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