A Student From Australia Lost 99 Pounds Without a Coach, and She’s Sharing How She Got It Done

3 years ago

There is no easy way to lose weight once and for all, but this girl amazed everyone with her story. Shelley Bishop, a Ph.D. student from Australia, had no idea that after posting her breathtaking transformation she’d gain 10,000 likes in one day. She went from 242 pounds to 143 pounds in 6 months as she developed her own training and nutrition program that many people have grown curious about.

Here at Bright Side, we love impressive glow-up stories, and this time, we couldn’t help but want to share this one with you.

Before, Bishop’s job caused her to eat fast and cheap.

The changes that led to Bishop losing 99 pounds started 2 years ago when she worked as a manager for a recording studio in Sydney. The woman shared that she experienced years of late nights that encouraged a poor diet of cheap and accessible foods like pasta, burgers, and pizza, as well as a lack of exercise.

She decided to change her life after a gym opened in her apartment complex.

The woman shared that she started to look up online videos and researched workouts and cooking plans but admitted that she didn’t reach out to a dietitian or a coach. She also said that this has been the hardest yet best time of her life as she learned everything herself.

Bishop revealed that earlier, she thought she needed to ditch carbs and do lots of cardio to lose weight, but as it turned out, she learned carbs were very useful as long as she used them in the right meal plan for her body type, health, and goals.

After months of hard work and dedication, she got down to 143 pounds.

In August, Bishop shared her before/after picture anonymously on Reddit, not realizing that it would attract hundreds of comments from Reddit users demanding to know her “secret.” The woman said her inbox was flooded with questions about training and diets. Bishop also confessed that she hesitated to post the picture because the “before” 242-pound picture could attract negative energy.

That’s when Bishop decided to create an Instagram page as a kind of personal journal to inspire people to make positive changes in their lives. The student confessed that she always dreamt of being really thin as she was conditioned to think this way, but now she realizes that she loves being strong and feeling confident with her muscular physique.

Now Bishop is sharing her everyday routine with her followers.

She suggests daily meal plan ideas on her Instagram. Here’s one example:

  • Protein oats for breakfast
  • Tuna with cottage cheese and tomato on brown rice cakes along with yogurt and granola with fruit as a snack
  • A chicken salad wrap with eggs for lunch
  • Chocolate protein, almond milk, and a banana as a post-workout shake
  • A steak fajita bowl with brown rice and beans for dinner

The main “secret” is to find what works best for you.

The young influencer said that at some point, she was eating 3,000 calories a day and lifting heavy weights to gain mass. For her, if it had been pure cardio training without eating any carbs, she would have lost interest. So if you don’t enjoy running or if you don’t like heavyweights, don’t do what she did — there are many different ways to stay healthy.

For more of Shelley Bishop’s fitness and diet life hacks, follow her on Instagram and YouTube.

What’s the biggest, most drastic change that’s happened in your life? We’d be happy to hear from you in the comment section below!


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Thank you for sharing my story! If you would like to follow my journey, you can follow me on Instagram: @shredwithshelley


Well diet is so important, it's even more important than actually working out... you can't drive a car without the correct fuel either!


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