"4. They learn how to deal with each other’s annoying habits."
Yeah, because there's no messy, sloppy women out there. That pic is lame.
8 Things Couples Do to Make Their Marriage Last
Moving in together is a decision that can either make or break a couple. All the time they spend together may help strengthen their bond, but the 24/7 interaction also exposes them to everything — the good, the bad, and the ugly. Living together may sound like a lot of work, but there are several ways for couples to overcome challenges together.
Here at Bright Side, we want to help you and your partner maintain a smooth relationship, so we are sharing 8 things that couples do to have a happy and peaceful life together.
1. They agree on guidelines and schedules.

From creating a calendar of things to do, to discussing sleep schedules and personal boundaries, couples must compromise and set guidelines for living together.
According to one survey, bad bathroom habits can also cause break-ups. So agreeing on rules for the loo is important if you don’t want the relationship to go down the drain (pun intended). Who has priority use in the morning? Should the toilet seat be up or down? “Potty talk” is a must for a harmonious cohabitation.
2. They share the chores.

One study noted that 56% of married respondents believe that sharing chores is very important for a successful marriage. This applies to couples living together as well.
Partners can create their own system for assigning the tasks, depending on their abilities and schedules. They can also do some chores together as a form of productive bonding.
3. They talk about money.

Like chores, household expenses should be considered shared responsibilities. Couples need to discuss how they plan to split the bills, depending on their individual salaries. Money talk should also include their outstanding debts and financial goals.
Partners must always be honest about money matters to avoid trust issues. The American Psychological Association shares tips on how to avoid financial arguments, which includes sitting down regularly to review expenses and savings plans.
4. They learn how to deal with each other’s annoying habits.

When couples start living together, that’s when they notice every quirk and habit that gets on their nerves — leaving dirty socks on the floor, chewing too loud, taking too long to get ready, and the list goes on.
One way for couples to avoid driving each other crazy is to find ways of dealing with these annoying habits. Licensed clinical psychologist Daphne de Marneffe, Ph.D., also recommends assessing if the pet peeve can easily be ignored, or if it’s a deal-breaker that needs to be discussed.
5. They have their own, special ritual.

An article from the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research states that couples who do rituals together, experience “more positive emotions and greater relationship satisfaction.”
These shared moments can be as simple as working out together, chilling on the couch while watching a movie, or as one lady shares in a Women’s Health article, putting wrinkle cream on her husband and receiving a dedicated song every day.
6. They make room for alone time.

Cohabitation does not mean you have to spend every single waking moment together. Taking a breather and having alone time is healthy for relationships too.
Solitude allows us to reflect on many things, including ourselves, and could help us become better people for our significant others.
7. They set ground rules for house guests.

Couples have different comfort levels when it comes to their partner’s family and friends, so it is important to set ground rules for guests. They need to agree on who can come, when the ideal time is, and how long they can stay.
Discussing other hosting logistics prior to the guest’s arrival, like meal plans and expected activities, can also help prevent arguments and anxiety during the event.
8. They strive to resolve their conflicts — and it doesn’t always have to be before going to bed.

Couples can make their homes an emotionally safe space by creating a positive environment and resolving all conflicts.
According to social psychologist Amie M. Gordon, Ph.D., the advice “Never go to bed angry” is outdated. People who are stressed and exhausted are more prone to react negatively. Gordon recommends hitting the pause button and sleeping in, if needed. Conflicts are handled better when both partners are in optimal mental shape and under optimal conditions.
What do you think of this list? Do you also do similar things with your partner?

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