Men Share Secrets They Wish Women Knew Already

2 years ago

While men don’t understand why women do things the way they do, like having hundreds of products in the bathroom or saying it’s fine, when it’s not fine, it’s not surprising that the situation is the same on women’s side too. Like, they have no clue why men don’t pick up on their subtle “hints” or why they like things to be tossed instead of being gently handed over.

So, Bright Side highlights some of the most important guy secrets posted by the dudes themselves, to end doubts once and for all.


We don’t care how popular (or unpopular) you are with other women. So that shouldn’t factor into how you value yourself when dating. @unknown


We really do think your hair looks good. It looked good before and after you got a haircut. It looks good curly and it looks good straight. It looks good when you wake up and when you style it. As long as it’s shaped like the hair on the girl stick figures we drew when we were 5 years old, we think it looks good. @banjohusky95


If you compliment my appearance, I will probably remember it forever. I still remember when a girl in college told me that I look nice with my beard, when I first grew it out. I’ve had a beard ever since... @unknown


Some of us are into things like cooking, cleaning, makeup, fashion, etc. It doesn’t necessarily mean we’re gay.
Please don’t tell us to “man up.” A lot of us were constantly told that growing up, whenever we tried to express ourselves, so you saying it will often bring up bad memories.


I’m secretly an emotional wreck, I just hide it. @ShakaWTWF


We have the magical power of thinking about nothing. @MrUnoDosTres


Your chances of getting what you want out of us are infinitely higher if you tell us directly. @DepressedBard


Oftentimes, we genuinely don’t care where we go to eat, because we’re just hungry and want food. Any food. As long as you eat some too. @Rabidrabitz


When we want to be alone, it’s not that we don’t want to be around you, it’s that we don’t want to be around anyone for a little bit. @aestusveritas


The desire to touch the top of the doorframe is a primal one. I can’t understand it, I just do it. @birdistheword2023


When people come crying to us, our first inclination is to fix the problem.
Since this is (often) not possible, lead with something along the lines of, “Can I vent for a minute?” Or anything that signals to us that this is just a time for active listening, rather than a problem-solving session. @realbadaccountant


It’s not that we can’t take hints, we are just afraid of looking too far into something. If someone is flirting with me, I have the dilemma of “is she actually into me or is this just how her personality is?” @dy_lan10


We desperately want you to toss us things instead of just handing them to us. @andytheg


I’m not staring at you, I’m zoned out thinking about how I’d start a brewery in medieval England whilst my eyes just happen to be facing in your direction. @UVLsystem


Sometimes we like to be the little spoon. @fire_biscuit


How often we fantasize about saving the world. @SuperAids00


We’re just as insecure as anyone. @destructicusv


Most guys (at least that I know of) compliment other men in their heads, but don’t say it out loud, so that way we aren’t mistaken for being gay (which there is nothing wrong with). I compliment my best buds just to see their faces light up. I think more men need to get complimented on little things, it doesn’t happen that often. @konniekhan-126


Dudes can be crazy starved for touch. If you wanna be there for your guy, scratch his head or like, his back. Hold his hand, put your hand on his leg, do that thing where you guys lock arms/elbows when you walk.
When I’m frustrated or in my own world stressing about money or what I have to do later that day, it really brings me back and grounds me to enjoy the moment with my girl.
Take care of your man. @Thadota7717


We don’t miss “hints” because we are dense or stupid, we miss them because we have learned the hard way that sometimes they are just a friendly compliment or something. That embarrassment sticks with you.
If you’ve ever looked at a dude and thought, “Wow he’s attractive/I’d like to go out with him,” go talk to him. Men love confident women, and even if he doesn’t reciprocate you will make his day, or maybe even his year. @BecauseIcantEmail


We actually love the attention just as much as women do. And cuddling too. @themanyfaceasian


It’s a myth that men don’t have self-image issues. You only get to hear about body positivity when it’s about women’s bodies. @lewdell00

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