Blood circulation

10 Ways Baths Can Be Either Good and Bad for Your Body

10 Ways Baths Can Be Either Good and Bad for Your Body
3 weeks ago

Our bodies are composed of 60% water, so it’s no surprise that soaking in water offers numerous health benefits. While it might not always be convenient or desirable to make it a routine, baths provide both mental and physical perks. Ideally, aim for a soak 2–3 times a week to reap the rewards. However, there can also be health risks, especially if you have certain conditions, so it’s important to consult your doctor if you suffer from skin issues.

9 Health Signs Your Feet Might Reveal About Your Body

9 Health Signs Your Feet Might Reveal About Your Body
2 months ago

Your feet are more than just a way to get around—they can also provide important health indicators. Foot health is closely linked to your overall well-being, and paying attention to foot symptoms can help spot potential medical signs of underlying conditions. Changes in your feet, such as pain, swelling, or discoloration, might signal issues that need medical attention, offering a valuable opportunity for early diagnosis and treatment.

Put Onion Near Your Bed 1 Night, Wake Up to a Surprise

Put Onion Near Your Bed 1 Night, Wake Up to a Surprise

People in the Middle Ages thought onions were so important, back then you could use them to pay your rent! Don’t count on your rental office accepting onions as payment nowadays. But what you CAN do is put them near your bed at night!There’s an old trick going back to the 1500s, that cutting an onion into quarters and putting it near your bed will help relieve a cough. They even say it can prevent cold and flu altogether! A doctor in the early 1900s recommended it to his patients, and they all stayed healthy while other people in the area got sick!The idea comes from an onion’s antibacterial properties that supposedly absorb dirty air. Science doesn’t back that one up these days, but there are plenty of other things you can do with an onion in the bedroom!

10-Minute Easy Workout for Sharp Eyes

10-Minute Easy Workout for Sharp Eyes
year ago

Many amazing things are going on inside your eyes right now. Although an eyeball is pretty small — the size of a ping-pong ball — it hosts more than 2 million working parts.Check this out — our eyes appeared long before modern gadgets and lifestyle habits were invented. The human body wasn’t initially designed to cope with screen time growing daily.

10+ Things You Definitely Need If You Spend More Than 5 Minutes a Day in the Bathroom

10+ Things You Definitely Need If You Spend More Than 5 Minutes a Day in the Bathroom
2 years ago

You should not wash your hair while in the shower. Yes, there are not many things that can compare to the relaxing feeling of a hot shower. But just as hot styling tools can damage your hair, hot water and steam can dry out your hair and make it brittle. When washing your hair, it’s best to use lukewarm water. To make sure your time in the bathroom is only beneficial, you can also take a look at the products below.

7 Genius Solutions for Those Who Are Always Cold

7 Genius Solutions for Those Who Are Always Cold
2 years ago

For some, it’s a joy when the colder days come, because they can finally go skiing, sledding, maybe make a snowman, or enjoy the chilly air. For others, this time is challenging because the winter creeps into their bones, and the mere thought of the cold is enough to make them shiver. We have found some ingenious solutions that will help you stay warm all the time.

The 5 Best Amazon Massagers That’ll Help You Leave All Your Stress in 2022

The 5 Best Amazon Massagers That’ll Help You Leave All Your Stress in 2022
2 years ago

Massage is a great way to manage not only pain and discomfort, but also fatigue and depression by lowering cortisol levels. To enjoy a massage today, you don’t even need to visit a spa or masseur. For high-quality self-massage, there are a huge number of electric and manual massagers. We reviewed the different types of massagers from Amazon and chose the top 5. Take a look at our reviews and make the best choice for your body!

The 11 Best-Selling Personal Care Items That You Should Definitely Add to Your Toiletry Bag, According to Reviews

The 11 Best-Selling Personal Care Items That You Should Definitely Add to Your Toiletry Bag, According to Reviews
2 years ago

When we think of self-care, we often imagine that it has to be expensive and time-consuming. But in reality, it can be whatever you want it to be — a nice, warm bubble bath, a simple foot massage, or even just dedicating some extra time to taking care of your teeth. Whether you’re aiming for a professional spa experience at home or you’re just looking for a quick way to pamper yourself, there are dozens of easy-to-use, affordable options out there. So let’s take a look at some of the most popular personal care products that Amazon has to offer.

10 Products That Are a Must for Any Fitness Fan

10 Products That Are a Must for Any Fitness Fan
2 years ago

Physical fitness has been proven to be a way to stimulate a person’s brain development. The research showed that it may affect brain structure, which in turn can be reflected in academic performance. That is a great reason to start with some exercise! But before you begin your workout session, take a look at the list of handy supplies that could be a big help.

19 of the Best Skincare Accessories and Cleaning Tools

19 of the Best Skincare Accessories and Cleaning Tools
2 years ago

Taking care of our skin shouldn’t be just seen as a beauty standard. As the largest organ in our body, our skin also protects us from the many bacteria and viruses that we are exposed to every day. That’s why it’s essential to care for it daily, and we have so many new accessories that can help us do just that.Because there are so many products available on Amazon, we at Bright Side picked the 19 best skincare accessories that’ll help make your routine easier.

5 Personal Care Devices From Amazon That People Love for a Reason

5 Personal Care Devices From Amazon That People Love for a Reason
2 years ago

Professional health care and beauty procedures can be very enjoyable, but visiting salons can take much time and money. Luckily, with the help of Amazon, spa and beauty salons can move right into your home, and for a reasonable price. From a kneading massager for pain and stress relief to a hard skin remover for a professional home pedicure, there are many devices that can help you enjoy your personal care routine any time you like.

What Might Happen If You Wear Your Watch All Day Long

What Might Happen If You Wear Your Watch All Day Long
2 years ago

Whether you prefer a fitness tracker or a classic watch, it might feel tempting to put it on and wear it all the time. From counting your steps to monitoring your sleep, modern watches can do so much more than simply tell you the time. But, as it turns out, never taking off your watch may lead to some pretty unpleasant consequences.

7 Easy Ways to Make Your Legs Feel Lighter

7 Easy Ways to Make Your Legs Feel Lighter
3 years ago

After spending a long day sitting at the office or standing in high heels, you may feel that your legs are heavy and tired. This unpleasant sensation can cause lots of discomfort, but there are actually many things you can do at home to soothe it fast.

7 Exercises the Japanese Do to Stay Youthful

7 Exercises the Japanese Do to Stay Youthful
3 years ago

According to a recent study, more than 1 in 4 people in Japan are 65 or older. To a certain extent, it is due to their balanced diet and exercise. “Rajio taiso” is a set of incredibly popular dynamic aerobic exercises that are easy to perform and can help you become more active without taking up much of your time.

5 Ways to Improve Your Body Shape Even While Sleeping

5 Ways to Improve Your Body Shape Even While Sleeping
3 years ago

The correct lighting in your bedroom, the right types of exercises before bedtime, and even the clothes you sleep in — all these things can serve as helping hands for those who want to stay in shape, even while they’re cozily snoring under a warm blanket. Surprisingly, there are even more ways that we either don’t know about or just ignore, that help us fight those extra pounds, even while at rest.

What Happens to Your Hair When You Cut Back on Coffee

What Happens to Your Hair When You Cut Back on Coffee
3 years ago

Most of us have thought about quitting coffee at some point in our lives. But apart from struggling to face the day without your morning cuppa Joe, you might be missing out on some benefits for the health and beauty of your hair. As it turns out, coffee can do much more than help you to get out of bed in the morning.

Why We Sometimes Feel Pins and Needles and What to Do to Make It Stop

Why We Sometimes Feel Pins and Needles and What to Do to Make It Stop
4 years ago

You’ve probably experienced at least once that, after being in the same position for a long time, you feel that a part of your body “falls asleep.” Then, when you try to move, you start feeling pins and needles there. Sometimes it becomes so uncomfortable that you don’t even want to move. If you’re wondering how to stop that and why it happens you’ve landed on the right article.

A Step by Step Guide to a Flawless Facial Care Routine

A Step by Step Guide to a Flawless Facial Care Routine
Girls stuff
4 years ago

Korean cosmetics have become a leading force in facial care trends in the West. Its success is due to the fact that the far Eastern culture gives preference to healthy, moisturized, and radiant skin over the use of makeup. If you think there are way too many steps then you can omit some. The secret lies in applying the products layer by layer (starting with the lightest product and ending with the thickest one.)

7 Exercises to Reduce Spider and Varicose Veins

7 Exercises to Reduce Spider and Varicose Veins
4 years ago

If you’re suffering from spider or varicose veins, your doctor probably told you to exercise regularly. Although working out helps you to stay at a healthy weight, which may relieve symptoms caused by swollen veins, some types of physical activity can be your worst enemy. For example, weightlifting impedes blood flow between the legs and heart, causing the blood to pool and damage the veins. Even though varicose veins cannot be permanently cured without medical treatment, regular exercise can prevent the progression of this disturbing condition.

7 Exercises You Can Do to Make Your Hair Lush

7 Exercises You Can Do to Make Your Hair Lush
4 years ago

Hair can often be very difficult to maintain, and to keep it in tip-top shape, women are constantly looking out for new products to keep it lush. However, you should know that there are some simple exercises you can do yourself, at home, that can also help with this.

5 Ways Dry Brushing Can Protect Your Body From Aging

5 Ways Dry Brushing Can Protect Your Body From Aging
4 years ago

We brush our hair, brows, and even our eyelashes, but beauty specialists suggest that there might be another thing that needs brushing — our bodies. Dry brushing stems from Ayurvedic medicine, but today, it has become a popular wellness treatment that many people, including celebrities, perform at home. This is a great way to rejuvenate your skin and get a spa treatment without leaving your bathroom.

10 Types of Foot Baths and Which Health Problems They Can Solve

10 Types of Foot Baths and Which Health Problems They Can Solve
5 years ago

It’s not necessary to go to a spa professional to get a treatment that will give you a range of health benefits. Foot soaks can be prepared at very little expense and with ingredients that can be found in every household (they rarely require more than 5 things). These remedies can stimulate blood circulation, help heal certain diseases, and have a powerful effect on your mind and body. A nice bonus is, when making your own foot soak, you are free to change the concentration of ingredients, and this way get more benefits and reduce the risk of skin irritation caused by the addition of chemicals.

10 Stretching Exercises to Make You As Flexible As a Cat in 4 Weeks

10 Stretching Exercises to Make You As Flexible As a Cat in 4 Weeks
5 years ago

Flexibility plays a more important role in our well-being than we may realize. Experts believe that good flexibility helps you to achieve better results in your training, increases mobility and muscle coordination, reduces muscle pain, and prevents injuries. Good flexibility also improves blood circulation, and it may play an important role in preventing some serious illnesses too.

11 Simple Eye Exercises to Restore Clear Vision

11 Simple Eye Exercises to Restore Clear Vision
6 years ago

Every day we read and see a lot of information. This puts almost constant tension on our eyes. That’s why they get tired! Many vision problems arise precisely from the act of overstraining like dry eyes, redness, and blurred vision. But sometimes your eyes need a rest and eye exercises can help this.

11 Effective Exercises to Make Your Cellulite Less Visible in Just 2 Weeks

11 Effective Exercises to Make Your Cellulite Less Visible in Just 2 Weeks
6 years ago

Cellulite affects about 80-90% of women at some point in their lives. And although it’s not a serious medical condition, the “cottage cheese” on your butt and thighs may significantly ruin your image. Luckily, regular exercising might help you strengthen your muscles, improve blood circulation in the affected areas, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

10 Common Habits That Are Actually Bad for You

10 Common Habits That Are Actually Bad for You
6 years ago

When we think about bad habits, we normally mean something like eating junk food, but there are some habits that many of us have and we don’t even realize that they’re doing something bad to us or annoying the people around us. Turns out that some of your daily habits could be doing you more harm than good, like that yummy smoothie that you enjoyed this morning that has 3 bananas in it.

7 Rules of Skin Care That Help Korean Women Look So Young

7 Rules of Skin Care That Help Korean Women Look So Young
Girls stuff
6 years ago

Experts often use the word “revolutionary” when they talk about Korean skin care. It invaded the beauty industry a while ago and it continues to gain more and more admirers who swear that it makes a phenomenal change. Korean skincare has a few tricks and uses of some innovative ingredients, and when combined, they create a system that’s very unique and highly effective.

7 Habits That Help Japanese Women Preserve Their Youth as Long as Possible

7 Habits That Help Japanese Women Preserve Their Youth as Long as Possible
Girls stuff
6 years ago

Looking at the modern residents of the Land of the Rising Sun, anyone might think that they possess a recipe for eternal youth. It might sound like a joke but scientific research proves that the aging process is easy on them. And this miracle happens not only due to their genetics but also thanks to a certain regimen of self-care, the details of which we are going to tell you in this article. These pieces of advice are applicable to all skin types and are related to lifestyle in general.

Effective Ways to Improve Your Hearing

Effective Ways to Improve Your Hearing
6 years ago

Almost everyone during their adult life realizes that as they grow older they start to press the “volume up” button more often, or they have trouble listening and ask those around them to start speaking up. There are 2 common occurrences that lead to people losing their hearing over time: age and noise. As you grow older, the tiny hair cells in your inner ear start to break down and are not able to pick up certain sound vibrations as well as they used to. In addition to this, excessive loud noise can damage the hair cells inside the ears leading to premature hearing loss.

12 Stretches You Can Do at Home to Burn Fat

12 Stretches You Can Do at Home to Burn Fat
7 years ago

When it comes to weight loss, many of us believe that it’s only possible through intense cardio workouts. However, flexibility exercises are also helpful in improving metabolism, blood circulation, and even muscle building! Stretching and certain poses from yoga can burn fat if practiced regularly. Also, stretching can be an easy first step on your way to a more strenuous workout regime.