Climate change

30+ Photos That Are Clear Proof Climate Change Is Real

30+ Photos That Are Clear Proof Climate Change Is Real
4 years ago

2020 was the third hottest year on record on the planet, which is a reminder that climate change is maintaining its course. “Making peace with nature is the defining task of the 21st century,” said the Secretary-General of the United Nations. So, while the world is changing, we should be aware of what we can lose or gain if we adopt sustainable habits. It’s one of the tasks that is within our reach and that can determine our role in the world of the future.

How Our Bodies Will Change in the Future

How Our Bodies Will Change in the Future
month ago

The future of humanity could take many paths. Researchers use digital tools to explore how technology might shape our evolution. One possibility is a water world scenario, where rising sea levels force our bodies to adapt to life in a changing environment.

8 Animals That Help Save the Planet (and You!) Every Day

8 Animals That Help Save the Planet (and You!) Every Day
month ago

It is not humans alone who are putting in effort to save the planet. Animals play quietly yet important roles in the maintenance of ecosystems, protection of biodiversity, and even helping in fighting climate change. These unsung heroes of nature, from tiny insects to larger mammals, are doing their parts, making the world a healthier, more balanced place for us and our future generations.

Michael Jackson’s Son “Blanket” Debuts New Nickname in Search of New Identity

Michael Jackson’s Son “Blanket” Debuts New Nickname in Search of New Identity
6 months ago

Michael Jackson’s youngest child, Prince Michael Jackson II, known widely as “Blanket” for many years, made a significant personal decision to change his nickname after more than a decade. Born in 2002 via surrogate, Prince Michael Jackson II earned the nickname “Blanket” due to his father’s habit of covering him with a blanket to shield his identity and maintain privacy.

My Husband Started Controlling My Most Basic Needs and I'm Trapped

My Husband Started Controlling My Most Basic Needs and I'm Trapped
10 months ago

In relationships, trust, respect, and support are essential for a strong connection. However, some partners may attempt to control the other, leading to imbalance and stress. This behavior, influenced by insecurities, power dynamics, or psychological issues, can manifest in various ways, from subtle manipulation to outright dominance. Recently, a Reddit user reached out to the online community for advice regarding her husband’s irrational demand.

10+ Facts They Forgot to Mention in School Books

10+ Facts They Forgot to Mention in School Books
year ago

What crowns the pyramids of Egypt? How does Iceland create its unique “volcano bread”? Where can you witness the world’s rarest phenomenon? The pursuit of these answers not only energizes us but also sparks dreams, making us feel like pioneers. Our natural curiosity pushes us to explore the mysteries of ourselves and the fascinating world around us.

Ryan Gosling Responds to All Critics After Comment From Oscar-Winning Director Oliver Stone

Ryan Gosling Responds to All Critics After Comment From Oscar-Winning Director Oliver Stone
year ago

Gosling portrayed the character Ken in the successful Greta Gerwig film from the previous year, receiving significant praise, including a recent BAFTA nomination for Supporting Actor. Nevertheless, the Wall Street filmmaker, Oliver Stone, has shared his perspective on the present condition of the film industry, specifically pinpointing Ryan after his role in the popular doll-themed blockbuster. The director accused the actor of playing a part in the “infantilization of Hollywood.”

Plants Talk, We Just Don’t Hear Them

Plants Talk, We Just Don’t Hear Them
year ago

In the loud and hectic world, plants give us peace and quiet. They don’t yell, nor move, just sit there, silent. But... do they? What if I tell you that at this very moment your favorite cactus is kinda texting its plant buddies? And these messages could actually help us humans feed the world? What can plants possibly say to each other? All kinds of things. “Help!” or “Land here!” or “Get off!” or “My fruits are ripe!” And these messages aren’t just being sent by the big plants like trees; even little patches of moss can get quite chatty. Ah, by the way: if you’ve ever taken a whiff of freshly cut grass, you’ve actually been communicating with a plant!

Scientists Finally Decoded Signals Plants Send

Scientists Finally Decoded Signals Plants Send
year ago

Photosynthesis can save millions of human lives! Wait, HOW?! What is the connection here? Plants create energy out of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. Duh, we’ve known it for ages. Turns out that understanding this process in detail could help find a cure for cancer. So, for a long time, scientists have been trying to figure out how plants start the process of turning sunlight into sugar through photosynthesis. But now, some researchers have finally decoded those tricky signals that plants send to themselves!

They Found Something Unbelievable Under Antarctica’s Ice

They Found Something Unbelievable Under Antarctica’s Ice
year ago

Do you know that NASA explores not only stars, planets, galaxies, or black holes? Hard to believe, but yes! The agency also works on discoveries here on our home planet Earth. So what has NASA recently discovered? Is there life under the ice? While they were analyzing data recently, they discovered something unbelievable hiding under Antarctica’s ice! And this discovery not only changes everything we know about the whole water system of the Earth, but it may also help with research about life in space! Humankind’s existence might depend on understanding Antarctica and its secrets! So, the recent discoveries reveal vital information about our survival!

If the Moon Were Destroyed, What Would It Mean for Us?

If the Moon Were Destroyed, What Would It Mean for Us?
year ago

Now, what would Earth look like if it was the only planet in the Solar System? Or what would happen to our planet if the Moon went missing? Or what if dinosaurs had never gone extinct? We’ve all heard the story: over 66 million years ago, a big asteroid hit Earth. Almost 75% of creatures that roamed the planet at that time were wiped out in mass extinction. Amongst them, dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Velociraptor... All gone. But because of that, we’re all alive! According to science, the human race was developing more safely without these gigantic creatures hunting us. But what if that asteroid had crashed to the ground a few miles away from the place where it fell? What would the world be like today? Imagine walking down the street to your local supermarket and coming across a truck-sized T. rex. Could that ever happen in this alternate universe we’re talking about?

Diving Into the Future: Could We Live in an Underwater City?

Diving Into the Future: Could We Live in an Underwater City?
year ago

Imagine that it’s the year 2025, and our planet has completely changed. Rising sea levels, extreme weather, and the ocean becoming more and more acidic are just some of the problems people have been dealing with for years. But in one of the world’s largest coastal cities, the situation has become too serious. It was a sunny day in June when a massive earthquake shook the city to its core. The ground beneath people’s feet heaved and shook, and buildings swayed dangerously.

5 Mass Extinctions, and We’re Looking at the Sixth

5 Mass Extinctions, and We’re Looking at the Sixth
year ago

When we say ‘extinction’ — say it with me: “extinction” — we usually think of dinosaurs that went for lunch with a humongous asteroid and wiped out from the face of Earth. We don’t think of ourselves possibly going away in the near future. But what we forget is that there have been five mass extinctions that our planet witnessed in the last half a billion years, not just one. And we can be nearing the sixth one, where one of the species to possibly disappear are humans. The first great mass extinction came about 440 million years ago, in the — Period. Back then, life was mostly thriving in the oceans and along the coastlines. Biodiversity was great at the time: there were thousands of different species. Trilobites, sea scorpions, and all kinds of weird-looking mollusks and even fish — you name it, Ordovician had it.

8 Natural Disasters That Haven’t Happened Yet (But Could)

8 Natural Disasters That Haven’t Happened Yet (But Could)
year ago

Floods, tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes... Yikes! All these natural disasters can get extremely dangerous — but we’re kind of familiar with them. But how about a natural disaster that has never happened before — but could occur any moment now? It might be a super eruption. That’s what happens when a super-volcano erupts. You might know that Yellowstone Park is located on top of a super-volcano. The last massive eruption there happened about 664,000 years ago. And the one before that — approximately 1.3 million years ago. If we do the math, we’ll understand that the next eruption might be due any time soon. There’s no strong evidence that the super-volcano is waking up or preparing for an eruption. But what would it be like if it did happen?

Fresh-Cut Grass Sends Out an S.O.S. + 14 Disturbing Facts

Fresh-Cut Grass Sends Out an S.O.S. + 14 Disturbing Facts
year ago

There’s something exciting about discovering scary and odd facts. Do you ever wonder about real-life creepiness? Ready to be freaked out?There’s a possibility that the Sun can explode. Yet, we’re living our lives as if our star will always continue to rise and set. Imagine the Sun exploding right now; you would be unaware of the catastrophe for over 8 minutes — that’s how long it takes sunlight to reach Earth. If all this energy hit the Earth, the destruction would start veeery shortly after that. After all, it’s the Sun, and the star isn’t gonna wane like a candle.

If We Disappeared, What Species Would Replace Us?

If We Disappeared, What Species Would Replace Us?
2 years ago

Here’s a random thought: try to imagine the animals that could become the new top species...should humans go extinct, that is. Tricky, right? I mean, we are pretty cool with our high intelligence, fashion sense, ability to cook, and smartphones (even if we forget the passwords sometimes). But if we suddenly disappeared, which animals might evolve to develop our skills and build complex societies like we have? Or would they come up with something better?

Scientists Discovered a Mystery Layer in Earth’s Core

Scientists Discovered a Mystery Layer in Earth’s Core
2 years ago

The Earth has three main layers. Two parts of the core: the dense, hot inner core and the molten outer core. Then comes the mantle. And then follows the thin crust — the surface that supports life as we know it. At least that’s what we thought because now scientists found a new mysterious layer located deep within the solid inner core. Earth’s inner core is approximately 2/3 the size of the Moon and made of nickel and solid iron. It’s burning hot. The temperature at the center of our planet is the same as at the surface of the Sun. The outer core can reach almost 10,000 F (5,500 C).

Dinosaur Extinction Started 10 Million Years Before the Asteroid Hit

Dinosaur Extinction Started 10 Million Years Before the Asteroid Hit
2 years ago

They ruled the planet for over 170 million years... And then disappeared. History says it was a huge city-sized asteroid that came from space and hit the land of the Yucatán peninsula around 66 million years ago. It caused terrible environmental changes, debris in the air blocking the sunlight, so the plants couldn’t survive. Temperatures on Earth’s surface plunged, animals were struggling to survive — until they finally went extinct. At least, that’s something many paleontologists believe happened. Now they found out dinosaurs were about to go extinct even before the asteroid. Their diversity started to go down 10 million years before the asteroid — older long-living species didn’t evolve enough to adapt to all changes in the environment, such as higher sea levels, massive volcanic activity, cooler periods. Dinosaurs preferred a warm climate because it helped them to keep a stable body temperature.

Eerie Sounds from Mount Everest: What’s Really Happening?

Eerie Sounds from Mount Everest: What’s Really Happening?
2 years ago

Have you ever wondered why mountains seem so still and silent? Well, prepare to be amazed, because these majestic landforms have some hidden talents. You see, mountains are actually quite the performers! They have their own unique songs and dance routines. What does it mean and how does it work? Well, let’s see.

8 Items to Add to Your Shopping Cart to Celebrate National Coffee Day

8 Items to Add to Your Shopping Cart to Celebrate National Coffee Day
2 years ago

October 1st is International Coffee Day. It’s time to choose gifts for yourself and your loved ones. Another reason to add some coffee products to your cart is that coffee is one of the foods we can never eat again because of climate change. Yep, around 50% of the global area suitable for coffee production is in danger of being cut by 2050. We’ll have to face problems like rising prices, a negative impact on flavor and aroma, and supply shortages. Hurry up to buy something from the list we’ve prepared for you that will remind you of the good old coffee days.

5 Reasons Why Modern Kids Are Maturing Faster Than We Did, and What It Means for Our Society

5 Reasons Why Modern Kids Are Maturing Faster Than We Did, and What It Means for Our Society
Family & kids
2 years ago

Scientists believe that modern childhood ends at the age of 12. A survey proves it, too, as many parents feel that their children are no longer childlike by that age. The new generation is being put under pressure to grow up faster. This means that girls at 10 years old are worrying more about their weight and makeup, and boys are being pushed into “macho” behavior.

5 Facts About Meryl Streep That Prove Actors Can Also Have Hearts the Size of the Universe

5 Facts About Meryl Streep That Prove Actors Can Also Have Hearts the Size of the Universe
2 years ago

You may know her as the relentless magazine editor from the iconic The Devil Wears Prada or adore her earlier works, such as Sophie’s Choice. Whatever it is, the stunning Meryl Streep has likely never left you feeling indifferent about her persona. However, an outstanding acting career isn’t the only thing Streep should be praised for. Her kind heart and the firm stance she holds when it matters most will probably make you admire Streep even more.

How the Human Body Will Change in the Far Future

How the Human Body Will Change in the Far Future
2 years ago

There can be different scenarios for the future of humans. Researchers use digital tools to study how technology itself will play a role in the evolution of our bodies. There is also a water world scenario for when the sea levels begin to rise up.

How These 9 Celebrities Are Living a Sustainable Lifestyle

How These 9 Celebrities Are Living a Sustainable Lifestyle
2 years ago

Climate change affects every country in the world, as well as lives. The truth is that stopping climate change is urgent and takes all of us to make a change. One of the things we can do is invest in sustainable solutions. And some of our favorite celebrities are leading the way with their innovative and forward-thinking ways of living a sustainable lifestyle. We at Bright Side have collected this list of celebrities who are living a more eco-friendly life to inspire you to do the same and get you thinking about those easy changes you can make in your life to help the planet.

10 Ways You Can Create a Bird-Friendly Garden

10 Ways You Can Create a Bird-Friendly Garden
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

A lot of birds have lost their homes due to how climate change and human activity affect their habitat. But birds are very important for nature and for us. For example, they control pests, spread seeds, and pollinate plants. Luckily, if you have a garden, you can make a couple of transformations to make it more bird-friendly and help birds survive.

Why Animals Are Getting Smaller and Smaller

Why Animals Are Getting Smaller and Smaller
4 years ago

Generations of animals today are gradually getting smaller right in front of our eyes, and we don’t even notice it. Mammals such as the Canadian lynx, the polar bear, and even some birds are shrinking in size, and it’s predicted that the shrinking will go on for at least another decade. Global warming is to blame for this, and humans play a role in it.

Victoria Falls and 18 Other Places That Ought to Alarm Us

Victoria Falls and 18 Other Places That Ought to Alarm Us
4 years ago

2020 was the third-hottest year on record on the planet, which is a reminder that climate change is maintaining its course. One striking example of this is the drying up of Victoria Falls in South Africa. “Making peace with nature is the defining task of the twenty-first century,” said the Secretary-General of the United Nations. So, while the world changes, we should know what we can lose or gain if we adopt sustainable habits.

What 20+ Teen Idols From the 2000s Look Like Today (Some of Them Are Already Over 40)

What 20+ Teen Idols From the 2000s Look Like Today (Some of Them Are Already Over 40)
4 years ago

We saw them star in a TV series, launch a new album, give group or solo concerts, fall in love, split up, break up, and then find love again... And suddenly, without us even noticing anything, they all turned 40 years old! Yep, our favorite teen stars from the 00s have grown up and are now very, very different from what we remember seeing 2 decades ago on small screens that weren’t flat yet!