Your heart races, skipping beats as if it’s dancing to an invisible tune. Butterflies flutter wildly in your stomach, making every step feel lighter. Your cheeks feel warm, flushed with a glow you can’t hide. Ahhh, nothing quite compares to the intoxicating rush of being in love—a time when the world feels brighter, sweeter, and every overused romantic cliché feels like it was written just for you.But love isn’t just about the euphoric highs and poetic moments. Beyond the rosy glow and heartwarming benefits, love also triggers some peculiar, and let’s be honest, slightly gross reactions in your body. From clammy palms to a desire to fart profusely, your body has its own quirky ways of responding to those intense feelings. So, while love may make you feel like you’re floating on air, it’s also a very real, very human experience—and that includes some less-than-glamorous biological quirks.
A thick, healthy beard is a sign of masculinity and self-care, but growing one can be a challenge for many men. The process of beard growth is influenced by genetics, lifestyle, and grooming habits. However, there are proven tips to maximize your potential for a fuller beard. Whether you’re just starting out or trying to improve an existing beard, these 15 simple tips will guide you in achieving a thicker, healthier beard.
The snooze button seems like a remedy for a bad morning, when you give yourself some time to nestle up in your cozy bed for a couple of minutes. Don’t get into that trap: this trick only makes you groggier and grumpier. The snooze button makes your body believe you’re gonna sleep some more, so it obviously enters another sleep cycle. This way, it starts releasing sleep hormones that won’t make you feel any peppier. If you get out of your bed right after the alarm goes off, your doziness won’t last over 30 minutes. Instead, getting up after even a short lie-in gets you 4 hours of sleepiness. Not a fresh start.
You’re just about to fluff up your pillows and get dressed in your favorite pajamas. You then set your alarm for the next day — it’s gonna ring in 8 hours. That should do the trick, isn’t that what the doctor suggested? But as the alarm starts ringing the next morning, you wake up feeling more tired than you were when you got into bed. Are those 8 hours of recommended sleep just a myth?
Just as there are no two people in the world alike, there is no one way to raise children. However, some people seem to believe they “own the truth” and are not afraid to criticize or even give unsolicited parenting advice that no one asked for. This is actually worse when some recommendations end up being completely illogical, and you don’t know if the person who gave them was talking about raising children or Martians.
October 1st is International Coffee Day. It’s time to choose gifts for yourself and your loved ones. Another reason to add some coffee products to your cart is that coffee is one of the foods we can never eat again because of climate change. Yep, around 50% of the global area suitable for coffee production is in danger of being cut by 2050. We’ll have to face problems like rising prices, a negative impact on flavor and aroma, and supply shortages. Hurry up to buy something from the list we’ve prepared for you that will remind you of the good old coffee days.
Our dogs help us to manage stress and significantly lower its levels. And they have quite a calming effect, even if we just scroll through funny pics on the internet. It simply increases levels of oxytocin (hormone of joy) and reduces cortisol, which makes us feel more relaxed. So every time you have any doubts about whether to read another article about our beloved canine friends, please don’t. Just relax and have a great time.
Weight loss can be challenging. And if you are reading a lot about it online, it can also be confusing. There are a lot of sites and blogs full of health and weight loss tips, and so many seem legit. While it is always important to talk to a doctor or nutritionist, sometimes just a quick double-check brings these things to a whole new light.
Habits are always a hot topic: how to quit the bad ones, how to form new and good ones, how to track them, and why it all matters. Some of the most common mentions go to working out, nutrition, and self-talk.Here, at Bright Side, we became interested in the smaller habits that people don’t discuss that often. How do you break up your sleep? How impatient are you with your coffee? Here are some everyday habits that you might want to reconsider.
Facelifts, botox, breast augmentation — we go to extremes to look our best so that we’ll be comfortable in our own skin. And while there’s nothing wrong with these procedures, there are other ways to feel better about ourselves. Fortunately, a Harvard professor, Amy Cuddy, has found a way to train our bodies to change our mindset and boost our confidence by “faking it until we mean it.”
Eating once in 24 hours sounds like mission impossible, yet lots of people practice it. OMAD (which stands for “one meal a day”) is a form of intermittent fasting that is believed to help you lose weight. Of course, not everyone pursues weight loss goals; some just want to be healthier or spend less money on food. Whichever group you relate to, we found some things that happen to many people after they change their diets drastically.
We put a lot of effort into making our loved ones, friends, and even our bosses happy. There is nothing wrong with going the extra mile for other people, but it’s not healthy when we hesitate to do the same for ourselves simply because we’re afraid of being called selfish.
If you still think exercising before bed messes up your sleep, you might want to reconsider. Science backs up evening workouts and proves that they’re just as healthy and efficient as morning ones. Give exercising before bed a try and you’ll notice that it won’t leave you tossing and turning. Since not all of us have time for morning workouts, read on to discover the benefits of exercising at night.
Fatigue, nausea, and reflux are some of the symptoms a woman can expect to have during certain stages of her pregnancy. What she may not expect is that her partner could possibly also develop some of these, all the more so because men cannot get pregnant. But even if that’s the case, men can actually experience some of the discomforts that women have when pregnant. In fact, not only is this a fact, but it’s much more common than what you might think.
Music brings out the best in people, especially in the morning. If you usually wake up feeling grumpy, turn on your music playlist and rave to your favorite hits. You’ll feel instantly happier and more productive. You can adjust the sound of your alarm too. This also affects how you wake up and how you kick off your day.
Sleeping with another person not only provides us with feelings of safety and security, bonding, and closeness, but it also has considerable health benefits, like lowering levels of cortisol or reducing inflammation. It’s a nice addition to experience, all things considered. Yet some people just seem sleep-incompatible. Opposing sleep cycles, snoring, blanket-hogging, and more are just obstacles that lead to low cortisol levels. But let’s not give up — there are many compromises we can make in terms of bed real estate.
We’re pretty sure it’s impossible to find a person who doesn’t like petting their dog. It brings so much joy and pleasure, and even helps reduce stress. But it’s also important for our dogs, especially before being left alone. And not just to show our love and affection.
Generally, people strive for companionship and affection in their lives. For example, in 2020, 64% of women worldwide were cohabited or married, but how many of them actually know how love affects them? After you fall for another person, everything from your mood to your life goals can be turned head over heels by your loved one. And some of these changes would remain unnoticed if not for the curiosity of researchers.
Breakfast is commonly referred to as “the most important meal of the day.” But that raises the question of whether or not this statement is true or just a myth. Approximately 25% of Americans skip this meal every day and it has even become a trend to do so.
Women who exercise at least 2.5 hours per week during pregnancy have more of a chance to return back to their normal weight quickly. But sometimes this is not enough to see your skin firm up again. By following expert tips as part of a plan, you have a better chance at having your skin return to normal and firm up again.
Kim Kardashian, Anna Wintour, and Oprah Winfrey have one thing in common: they all go to sleep at about 10 p.m. It seems that these women are onto something here since sleeping so early can have many positive effects on our body and mind. Perhaps it is no surprise then that some of the most successful women today finish their day so early, to get ready for the next!
Having excess fat accumulate around your waist is annoying. It lies deep in your torso and it can even pack around your intestines and liver. While having a chubby tummy may seem harmless, it doesn’t look appealing.
Recent research conducted in Australia revealed that one in 5 people sing in the shower and some believe they’re good enough to win a reality TV singing competition. No matter what your vocal talents are like, there’s something about singing while bathing that can make you feel happier.
As humans, we’re used to talking about stress. In fact, most of us experience it on a daily basis. But as strange as it sounds, dogs can also suffer from a similar kind of stress. A stressed dog will show several symptoms which can be seen in hyperactivity or apathy, changes in behavior, or repetitive behavior. It could even the way that we deal with these symptoms that’s causing the problem in the first place — even if you never meant to upset your four-legged companion.
Dogs are not just our forever friends and sweetest fluffies ever, they are superheroes that help us every day and never ask for a reward. You may not even know that it’s your dog who protects your immune system and helps your kid problem solve better. While puppies are in our hearts, our health and well-being are in their paws.
You are what you eat. But even if you try to eat healthy, you might be choosing foods that can make you anxious or depressed without even knowing it, even when food that can improve your mood might be right under your nose.
Deep down many people assume that they hurt their dogs when they yell at them, after all we might lose our temper, but not our empathy. A study in which more than 90 dogs participated just confirmed this and discovered that yelling at them can have lasting negative effects on their mental state.
Many girls like to take clothes from their boyfriend and enjoy the smell. Well, if you’re not a fan of wearing your man’s T-shirt, then you can just sniff it. And your actions won’t seem strange since the smell of your partner is an excellent anti-stress tool. Yes, the ability to feel less stressed was always right at your fingertips.
Just admit it, a great kiss is priceless. Researchers believe that kissing has many more benefits than just romantic pleasure and can pose many health advantages from keeping your skin in good condition to getting you in good shape.
Nowadays, the average person in the US consumes about 20% more calories than their ancestors did in the last century, according to research. And although people are getting more conscious about their diet, it’s not always easy to get all the healthy eating rules right. For example, eating apples at the wrong time can actually cause bowel problems instead of improving your digestion. Luckily, it’s not rocket science, and the basic rules are pretty easy to follow.
“I need a beach vacation so badly.” How often do we hear this from someone who is tired of work or their domestic duties? You may even be the one saying it, and you are absolutely right. Studies have found that being by the sea not only makes us feel relaxed, but also changes the chemistry of our body.
Anger is not just screaming and being in a bad mood. There are 3 types of anger. And each of them has its own symptoms, which include, for example, self-blame, risk-taking behavior, false tearfulness and many others. Therefore, anger is not as simple as it may seem. And its influence on us can be much more serious than an argument and a spoiled evening. One of the side effects is excess weight gain.
The average person cries around 16.5 gallons of tears during their lifetime, according to scientists. However, it seems that people prefer to bottle up their emotions and are sometimes even ashamed of them. But what if we were to tell you that emotional crying is another way to stop you from gaining extra weight? We think that this fact is enough to help us finally find the right exit for the gallons of tears that are buried deep inside our hearts.
Spending time with your girls is priceless. Have you ever wondered how cool it’d be for your noisy posse to go traveling together? You should definitely do it because not only is it the perfect pastime, but it’s also a great opportunity to improve your health. Friends and travel make for an excellent mixture that can do wonders for your well-being.
A normal heart rate is believed to be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. But some experts tend to think that the ideal resting heart rate is 50–70 beats. The causes that can provoke tachycardia can be problematic, or they just represent our reaction to the conditions we live in (stress, fever, training). If you notice that your heart is working faster without an apparent reason, the first thing you should do is consult a doctor. But if you can spot a stressor and want to know how you can calm yourself down, here are some tips.
If you think that lemons are only good for lemon pies and refreshing drinks, then this article will make you think again. Delicious citrus can be far more useful than you could imagine. Bright yellow fruits have a lot of health and beauty benefits, ranging from cancer defense to acne scar treatment. What’s not to like about lemons — they’re available, cheap and good for your health.