We all rely on deodorant to prevent perspiration and the odor it can produce. However, not knowing the difference between this product and an antiperspirant, as well as not knowing how to use it correctly, can have unpleasant consequences. Has it ever happened to you that, despite showering daily and putting on your deodorant, you ended up smelling bad?
It is highly possible that you own a deodorant. As a matter of fact, the deodorant market is worth about $74 billion dollars annually. And most people use their product as a way to reduce sweat and bad odor on their armpits. However, this isn’t the only task that deodorants can accomplish.
Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, and sometimes, we blurt out something awkward before we even know what’s happening. The next thing you know, it’s a late-night flashback keeping you up years later! These real-life interview fails prove that sometimes, the best career lessons come from awkward moments.
Beauty trends often promise glowing skin, perfect hair, or a flawless look, but not all of them are as beneficial as they seem. Some popular trends might be causing damage without you realizing it. We’ve found 5 beauty trends that, while tempting, could be doing more harm than good.
Some people are lucky enough to have great roommate experiences that are easygoing and fun. Unfortunately, not everyone is so fortunate. In today’s compilation, people share their most nightmarish stories with housemates—some so extreme they felt like scenes from a Hollywood film.
There are about 400 different types of receptors in our nose that help us feel different smells, from pleasant to disgusting. Scientists have found that we don’t just use our sense of smell to find out whether food has gone bad or not. Scents help us choose a suitable partner, know the approximate age of a person and understand whether they are sick or not. So, it’s no wonder that many of us want to smell nice. We decided to put together tips that can help you with this.
Let’s face it. Everyday life holds many worries, surprises and unpleasant moments for us, and we sometimes don’t have the time or energy to deal with those things. But, mostly it’s because we don’t have the right tools to solve these issues. In this article, you might find quite a few products that will be the answer to many daily struggles of yours and your loved ones.
The summer of 2023 has been unusually hot. There are days when you don’t feel like going out, and all you can do is reach for the air conditioner remote. Here are some tips on how to choose the right lingerie that will make you more comfortable in the heat.
We’ve got you covered with our carefully curated selection of products that have been tried and tested by thousands of happy customers. Read on to discover what products will likely find a place in your home and heart very soon.
Airports are some of the most visited and, at the same time, mysterious places out there. So, let’s see what’s going on behind the scenes and what secrets airports hide!
If you forgot to use deodorant, pat your armpits dry and use hand sanitizer on the area to kill the bacteria that cause the smell. Hate picking meals to cook? Make a list of all your favorites and roll dice to choose what to eat. To make your everyday life even easier, check out the products below.
More than half of the world’s population brushes their teeth twice a day, and 2% of people admitted to never brushing their teeth. We might think celebrities, who seem to “have it all,” practice personal hygiene and don’t go a day without showering. After all, we each have our unique habits and if it works for us, we shouldn’t change them just to conform to society’s beliefs. We found 10 talented celebrities who shared their quirks when it comes to their own personal care.
Both men and women in Ancient Egypt followed a beauty regimen, and taking care of their skin and hair was an essential part of their daily lives. Although most of us know that the ancient Egyptians took good care of their appearance, it may surprise many of us that we can still use some of their beauty practices.
We all have our own habits and daily routines that we’ve developed over time. But, in fact, there are many daily rituals that we may not know we’ve been doing wrong. Luckily, it’s never too late to learn new things and change our ways. That’s why we at Bright Side have compiled this list of common activities that you may be doing wrong, and how to do them right. We hope this helps make you the healthiest version of yourself.
You might not know that Amazon has a dedicated section for sellers to display their handmade products. If you don’t, you’re missing out on some creative, budget-friendly products that could really tickle your fancy.
Psychology tells us that some everyday things we do, when done excessively, are eventually harmful to our bodies. That’s why turning things down every once in a while might be a good idea, keeping in mind that sometimes less is more.
Our house is often full of undiscovered treasures that can make our life easier in an instant. With just a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, you can overcome all sorts of little inconveniences that all of us are bound to encounter at some point. You’d be surprised at the unexpected problem-solving potential of these ordinary household products.
Removing your body hair might be pretty annoying, but dealing with painful bumps and blemishes all over your legs and underarms is even worse. If you’re shaving regularly, chances are you’re experiencing ingrown hairs quite often. Although properly moisturizing and exfoliating your skin can help fight ingrown hairs, there’s more you can do to finally forget about those painful reddish bumps.
If you’re like most people, you probably start your morning with a shower and brushing your teeth, and a swipe or spray of your favorite deodorant. But, although many of us can’t imagine going to work without putting on deodorant, using it on a daily basis might actually do more harm than good.
Habits are always a hot topic: how to quit the bad ones, how to form new and good ones, how to track them, and why it all matters. Some of the most common mentions go to working out, nutrition, and self-talk.Here, at Bright Side, we became interested in the smaller habits that people don’t discuss that often. How do you break up your sleep? How impatient are you with your coffee? Here are some everyday habits that you might want to reconsider.
Usually, we don’t think about the things we use every single day. They seem so simple and familiar. And it’s really difficult to guess that there might be more than one way to use them.
It’s good when a person knows what every penny of their budget is spent on, when they don’t make impulsive purchases, and when they don’t accrue debt. These principles that guide a sensible personal budget help to not only save funds but also multiply them. However, excessive miserliness has never done anything good for people. The desire to save money on things that shouldn’t be saved on oftentimes leads to more expenses.
The more years that go by, the more evident it becomes that life moves like a missile, and we humans try to keep up with it. For example, that’s partially why so many people have resorted to meal subscriptions in an effort to prepare their meals faster. And it’s not only food that requires time, but so many other house chores do too. But you don’t have to worry too much since there are tons of tricks that can help you do everything in a much quicker manner.
Each of us has had a moment when we made a discovery that divided our lives into “before” and “after.” The world, and even ordinary items, can hide many secrets that most people aren’t aware of. And we can learn some interesting and intriguing facts almost accidentally, just as we would by scrolling through our social media newsfeeds. We’re sure that the discoveries made by curious Internet users were not meant to get lost in an endless stream of information. How else would you find out what cool features your oven or bubble bath have?
A girl who lost her wedding ring and then found it in some deodorant, a man who met a celebrity on the street, and a person who found a resting baby deer in their yard — these are only a few things that happened to the heroes of our article, ordinary people who got the chance to win small life lotteries when they were busy going about their everyday lives.
When buying different foods, we look at the “best before” inscription without hesitation. But when we choose a cleaning cloth, kitchen spatula, deodorant, or regular rubber gloves, we usually don’t pay attention to these 2 words. Due to this fact, some everyday items stay with us for years while others are thrown away too early.
Sometimes we wonder how people survived without the internet and its endless tips on how to better take care of ourselves. Seems like every day we stumble upon a new piece of advice about hygiene and have no idea how we’ve managed to survive without it. If you’re the same, then we have a new batch of tips that you can add to your routine today.
Asian people generally do not have Rh-negative blood and hospitals don’t store it for transfusions. Foreign travelers who have negative blood rhesus are in big trouble if they happen to need a blood transfusion. There are so many ways in which Asians are different from other races, and one of them is that they usually don’t need to use deodorant to get rid of body odor.
We’ve all been in a situation where we own a pair of shoes that look great on the outside but tell a whole different story once you put them on. But while these shoes may be uncomfortable, this doesn’t mean you should give up on them. You’re about to learn some amazing yet simple tips to help you wear any type of shoe without suffering from discomfort.
Tiny shampoo bottles, creams, and soaps — it’s always nice to preserve the memory of an interesting trip by getting some useful things from the hotel you’ve stayed in. It turns out that there are a lot of interesting and useful things that you are allowed to take with you from your hotel room. Though, you have to make sure you don’t get too carried away.
About 85% of women in the US may be removing their hair regularly or even on a daily basis. The idea of shaving isn’t new, since women in ancient Egypt and Rome might have been already removing their body hair and considered keeping it uncivilized. But the times have changed and many women nowadays have decided to ditch shaving and keep their natural look.
Neglecting to wash and take care of some parts of our body can lead to serious health problems. If we don’t wash our hands, we may end up with respiratory diseases and diarrhea. Besides that, there are other body parts that require better hygiene than we thought.
Airport employees and people who travel a lot are the best ones to ask about how things happen in airports. Have you ever wondered why passengers in sneakers don’t need to take their footwear off at the security checkpoints in some airports or why power banks have to stay in your carry-on baggage? We’re sure you’d like to know how to cancel non-refundable tickets and get your money back or how to significantly reduce the costs for transfers, hotels, and food even if it’s your first trip and you don’t have any discount cards.
When celebrities hit the red carpet, they no longer look like ordinary human beings. They look like gods who descended from the skies. However, we are all mortals. It’s just that celebrities know of some practical fashion hacks they use to look that way.
As history would have it, apple cider vinegar was discovered almost accidentally and independently in different parts of the world when jugs of wine were left uncovered for a long time. The traces of this product date back to 5000 BC when Babylonians used it as a preservative and started experimenting by mixing apple cider vinegar with spices and herbs. Apple cider vinegar has a long history and there are a great variety of purposes it can be used for nowadays, apart from being a topping for your salad.
Every girl wants to look perfect everywhere and anywhere. Whether it’s a date night, a night out with the girls or even a day at the gym, we want to look ideal in every way, down to the smallest detail. Unfortunately, living our crazy busy lives, we almost never have time for ourselves.