
6 Cool Things Evolution Has Probably Prepared for Us

6 Cool Things Evolution Has Probably Prepared for Us
2 years ago

Evolution, as we all probably know, is the change of attributes and features of a species over a long period of time. Everything around us evolves steadily, no matter what it is. Our shape, body parts, and measurements have all transformed, including our DNA, and it all gradually gave us new features. Since we are aware of how we’ve evolved from the past, there are some new theories that indicate how we might look in the future.

20 Times Evolution Made Some Wild Choices in the Animal Kingdom

20 Times Evolution Made Some Wild Choices in the Animal Kingdom
4 years ago

Some of nature’s creations are so bizarre that we often find ourselves wondering whether we saw an insect or a weirdly-shaped flower — or if we saw a wolf, a fox, or a deer. The bottom line is: evolution doesn’t play by the rules, and it surely enjoys breaking our expectations.

10 Useless Parts of Your Body That Evolution Is Dealing With

10 Useless Parts of Your Body That Evolution Is Dealing With
4 years ago

It’s clear that our body did not get to look the way it does today without some kind of change. As you might know, it’s actually the result of years and years of what we call evolution. Because our ancestors changed their daily habits in order to adapt to some changes in their environment, throughout the years their body responded by adapting to their new needs. Ever since prehistoric times, it has not stopped evolving, changing, and adapting. But the funny thing is that no matter how much time has passed, there are still some parts of our body that are not very useful for us with our current lifestyle. What they really do, is reveal tons of information about our past...

10+ Car Logos and Names That Reveal Hidden Stories

10+ Car Logos and Names That Reveal Hidden Stories
week ago

Every time you drive down the road, you pass dozens of car brands without giving a second thought to what their names or logos might mean. But what if we told you that behind every shiny badge and clever name lies a story, a history, or even a hidden message?From animals to initials to downright quirky inspirations, car brands are like secret storytellers. Let’s buckle up and take a drive through the fascinating etymology of car names and logos. By the end of this ride, you’ll never look at cars the same way again.

Pregnancy Permanently Alters the Brain, Science Finds

Pregnancy Permanently Alters the Brain, Science Finds
month ago

Pregnancy is oftentimes seen as a period of profound change, but while the physical transformations take center stage, there’s an equally intriguing shift happening in the brain. Recent studies show that pregnancy reshapes the brain in extraordinary ways, boosting your capacity to connect with, care for, and respond to your baby. Here’s what the research uncovers about "baby brain"—and why it’s far more complex than the stereotype suggests.

Scientists Finally Reveal a Shocking Answer to the ’Chicken-or-Egg’ Dilemma

Scientists Finally Reveal a Shocking Answer to the ’Chicken-or-Egg’ Dilemma
month ago

A recent discovery gives a fascinating new twist to the classic “chicken or egg” question that has puzzled people for centuries. It suggests that the biological processes needed for embryo development were already in place long before the first animals or their eggs appeared. This finding changes what we thought we knew about the timeline of evolution and shows how complex early life on Earth really was.

10 Essential Tips for Finding Your Ideal Jeans Fit

10 Essential Tips for Finding Your Ideal Jeans Fit
Girls stuff
3 months ago

Finding the perfect pair of jeans can feel like an epic quest, a journey fraught with frustration and fitting room despair. It shouldn't be this way! We believe that everyone deserves to have that "aha!" moment when they slip on a pair of jeans that fit like a dream. Get ready to navigate the world of denim with newfound confidence. With this guide in hand, you'll be able to say goodbye to denim dilemmas and hello to your new favorite jeans.

9 Celebrities Whose Bodies Are Close to Perfection, According to Science

9 Celebrities Whose Bodies Are Close to Perfection, According to Science
Girls stuff
10 months ago

For ages, the golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, has fascinated creative minds like artists, architects, and mathematicians. Its mysterious presence in both nature and art adds to its allure. When applied to the human body, this ratio highlights certain proportions that are considered visually appealing. While this mathematical formula suggests ideal proportions, what truly inspires us are the stories, personalities, and accomplishments of the individuals embodying these proportions.

What Happened to Britney Spears: From Iconic Teeth Gap to Social Media Breaks

What Happened to Britney Spears: From Iconic Teeth Gap to Social Media Breaks
year ago

Britney Spears, once the princess of pop, has undergone significant transformations in recent times. This makes people ask, “What happened to Britney Spears?” From her iconic teeth gap to her decision to quit social media, the journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions for both Britney and her fans. Let’s delve into the intricacies of her life, the media’s role, and the impact of these changes on the pop sensation.

Stranger Things Season 4 Cast: Then VS. Now

Stranger Things Season 4 Cast: Then VS. Now
year ago

While the original members of the Stranger Things Season 4 cast were indeed children when the series first premiered in 2016, significant transformations have occurred in their lives since then. Millie Bobby Brown has ventured into the world of literature as a novelist, Sadie Sink has graced the screen in an award-winning film, and Finn Wolfhard has not only acted but also taken on the roles of writer and director in his own movie. Their maturation is so pronounced that portraying Eleven, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and Max as convincing high schoolers in Season 5 of Netflix’s popular sci-fi adventure might require some Hollywood magic, or perhaps even the assistance of artificial intelligence. Let’s explore the remarkable evolution of these actors from the early years of the show to the present.

10 Celebrities Who Suddenly Altered Their Looks

10 Celebrities Who Suddenly Altered Their Looks
year ago

At times, the desire for change becomes an undeniable force, compelling us to explore new facets of our lives. And one of the most tangible ways we manifest this inner shift is through our appearance. We all experience moments when the monotony of routine prompts a craving for something different, something that reflects the evolution within. Here are celebrities who dared to try something new.

Kim Applauds Her “Dear Friend” Tristan, Khloé’s Ex, for Stepping In When She Faced Parenting Challenges

Kim Applauds Her “Dear Friend” Tristan, Khloé’s Ex, for Stepping In When She Faced Parenting Challenges
year ago

In the world of celebrity relationships, Khloé Kardashian’s rollercoaster romance with NBA star Tristan Thompson has garnered significant media attention. Despite the recent breakup in 2021, what continues to puzzle many is Kim Kardashian’s lasting friendship with Tristan. In a recent episode of “The Kardashians,” Kim provides insight into their unique bond.

What If Megalodon and T-Rex Evolved into One Creature

What If Megalodon and T-Rex Evolved into One Creature
year ago

You travel along the coast of the North Atlantic. In your jeep, you’re driving through the jungles and plains, taking amazing pictures of wildlife for your blog. And then you accidentally come upon a place that isn’t marked on any map. It’s a bay with an azure coast. No human has ever set foot here.You’ve discovered a huge footprint of an unknown creature on the sandy beach. The size of the print is more than half of your vehicle. Suddenly, out of the tropical forest that borders with the beach, you hear a deafening roar. Palm trees crack and break as an unknown monster comes out of the jungle. To understand what it is, let’s go back to the past.

Are Godzilla-Sized Animals Possible?

Are Godzilla-Sized Animals Possible?
year ago

Wait, don’t tell me that life on Earth has bubbled for about 3.5 billion years, and the biggest creature we got is the blue whale? I mean, not bad, but that doesn’t sound nearly as fun as those cool giant creatures you get to see in movies. Yeah, you recognize the iconic roar here. It appeared on TV, in comic books, in video games, and in cinema. I mean, c’mon, it even got its own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on its 50th birthday [2004]. So... What would it take to get good old Godzilla from the TV screen to our streets?

Insects in Your Makeup || The Shocking History of Lipstick

Insects in Your Makeup || The Shocking History of Lipstick
year ago

Marilyn Monroe once said, “Put on some red lipstick and live a little!” She was very much aware of the empowering effects that lipsticks have on people. But have you ever stopped and wondered what makes a little tube of color this confidence-boosting and power-inducing? And how did it come into existence? The story of lipstick is a fascinating and even shocking one! So, let’s jump back in time to take a closer look at its evolution!

10 Amazon Finds That Are Truly Life Changing

10 Amazon Finds That Are Truly Life Changing
year ago

Before the invention of the cell phone, people used to talk to others on their landlines (that were connected to the wall!!). Now, we can’t imagine life without having a phone on us at all times. This is the good thing about evolution — it brings something new into our lives that we never thought we needed. We keep on being presented with gadgets and items that we know will be super useful to us.

If We Disappeared, What Species Would Replace Us?

If We Disappeared, What Species Would Replace Us?
year ago

Here’s a random thought: try to imagine the animals that could become the new top species...should humans go extinct, that is. Tricky, right? I mean, we are pretty cool with our high intelligence, fashion sense, ability to cook, and smartphones (even if we forget the passwords sometimes). But if we suddenly disappeared, which animals might evolve to develop our skills and build complex societies like we have? Or would they come up with something better?

What If People and Fish Changed Their Places

What If People and Fish Changed Their Places
year ago

Some strange seismic activity begins all over the world. Volcanoes on the planet are waking up. But instead of lava, fiery stones, and black ash, they release an invisible gas that slowly fills the atmosphere. This gas is safe for all mammals and insects, but for some reason, it harms people. Gas masks, medications — nothing helps. It’s like Earth says: “Hey, people, I’ve had enough! Get out of here.” To survive, humanity decides to move to a place where gas can’t reach — underwater.

Nobody Comes to This Brazilian Island, Here’s Why

Nobody Comes to This Brazilian Island, Here’s Why
year ago

No one expected such a strong storm. It’s too dangerous to sail back to the land because of high waves and winds. But suddenly, you notice a small green island nearby. You and your friend are about 25 miles [40 km] off the coast of Brazil. You were fishing and didn’t notice black clouds obscuring the blue sky. You’re approaching the unknown island and see a coast guard boat behind you. People from there are screaming something to you, but you can’t make out the words because of the thunder. “They tell us we should stay away from that island,” your friend says.

How Dinosaurs Could Have Evolved If They Never Went Extinct

How Dinosaurs Could Have Evolved If They Never Went Extinct
year ago

Dinosaurs are some of the most fascinating creatures to have ever walked Earth. It’s a shame that we won’t be able to have Jurassic Park, where we can see some of the coolest creatures come to life. But we are actually living with some creatures that are just as old as dinosaurs, such as crocodiles and sharks. They haven’t changed much since they appeared millions of years ago.

7 Unrelated Ancient and Modern Animals That Look Very Similar

7 Unrelated Ancient and Modern Animals That Look Very Similar
year ago

When we look at creatures in the animal kingdom, we often have the following thought: if they have similar traits, they must be related somehow. Zebras, horses, and camels must have some common ancestor. The same goes for dogs and jackals: somewhere back in their lineage, they must have some common great-great-great grand...wolf, right? Well, the way evolution works in nature is way more complex. Take, for instance, convergent evolution, which is when different creatures evolve independently of each other but end up having similar traits.

A Person to Live 1000 Years Is Already Born

A Person to Live 1000 Years Is Already Born
year ago

Hey there, Bright Siders. My name is Tom, and today I welcome you to have a peak into the future. Let’s imagine it’s your Birthday, and the entire family is here to celebrate. It’s a nice group of 562 people. Perfect — it takes a village to put down 1,000 candles. You cooked that 40 layer cake and built that house yourself. With the new average life expectancy, you have enough time to master any hobby in the world.

Why We Humans Are MOST PROBABLY the First Intelligent Life in Space

Why We Humans Are MOST PROBABLY the First Intelligent Life in Space
year ago

Did you know that humans are real space people? You were born in Space. Heck, even I was born in Space. We all were born in Space! But for humans to be here on Earth, so many conditions have to be precisely correct that it is highly improbable that we even exist. But we do. First, we — and any other space creatures who might be out there — have to live on a planet orbiting a yellow-ish white star, not a red star or a blue star. Not a blue star because they burn out too quickly — in a few million years — there wouldn’t be time for evolution to do its relatively slow magic and produce intelligent beings. Blue stars also tend to swell up and turn red — when they collapse and explode! It makes it highly unlikely that any civilization could prosper near a blue star.

They Detected the Sound of a Black Hole, and It’s Eerie

They Detected the Sound of a Black Hole, and It’s Eerie
year ago

Ever wondered what it would be like to hear the sound of a black hole? NASA has got you covered. Here is a screaming black hole. “Screaming, in space?” I thought in space, no one can hear you scream. Well, let me explain. Using a telescope, NASA examined the movements of hot gas in a cluster of galaxies in 2002. Then they converted what they found into a sonification. The sound — how should I put it politely — wasn’t appealing, but that’s okay. After all, you’re able to hear the noise hot gas produces in a cluster of galaxies 250 million light-years away. Hey, would you like to hear the sound gas produces right here on Earth? Uh, never mind.

Why Feet Are Sensitive to Legos but Not Hands

Why Feet Are Sensitive to Legos but Not Hands
year ago

Your feet are home to around 7,000 nerve endings. They have to be this sensitive to keep you balanced and not flip over. All those nerves constantly send information to your brain. It uses more power to process it than on the data from your entire torso. So, when anything happens to your feet, like extra pressure, change of temperature or stepping on something sharp like Legos — it really hurts a lot!

You Don’t Need 5 Toes or 14 Other Body Features

You Don’t Need 5 Toes or 14 Other Body Features
year ago

Humans have tails. Okay, that sounds weird, I know. But it’s true. While our bodies are still forming in the womb, at around day 31 to 35, you can really start to see it. Right now, you have a tail! It’s inside you. It’s part of your coccyx, to be more precise. If you were to have an X-ray right now and asked the doctor to show you your tail, you’d see some small bony segments at the bottom of your spinel. We lost our tails over decades of evolution. Imagine if we still had our tails, they’d have to redesign pants. Maybe they’d have a special hole or even a tail pocket. Sitting might be a bit uncomfortable, too, to say the least.